All About Restylane: A Non-surgical Treatment

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Restylane: Introduction at a glance
Restylane is an injection or we can say most popular non-surgical treatment that is used for smoothing wrinkles, sculpting lips, and improving other facial features. Restylane treatment is approved by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and it is able to produce results on facial wrinkles, specifically around the mouth and nose. Undoubtedly, it is very beneficial treatment and gives a long-lasting result that is about six months or more. These days, people dont prefer to have any incision to get the skin rejuvenation and seek a way that is easy and fast. And here, Restylane becomes one of the best options for them to get the facial improvements without any incision or cut. This treatment can be administered on its own or in combination with other treatments like lip lifting procedure. It is good and well-functional for the patients, who are between the ages of 35 to 60.
The procedure of Restylane treatment

Share: Restylane is a non-animal-based hyaluronic acid (a natural sugar compound) that is a clear liquid gel. The procedure of this treatment is an easiest one and that is why most of the people like to opt for this. When it comes about lip-lifting treatment, then most often it is performed with local anesthesia. During the injecting procedure, the patient may experience some pain and discomfort, as it does not contain lidocaine such as collagen. This procedure can take a few minutes to about 30 minutes and it all depends upon extent of the treatment. Here, it is a best thing that the patient can return home just after few time of the procedure. To know easily about the procedure people can consider the following points:
Before stating the procedure, the surgeon first selects the injection point(s) for the location, which it will be injected to treat the particular skin issue. Here, antiseptic is also applied.
After choosing the injection points, the doctor identifies the right amount of Restylane to be used.
At the end, he finally the filler is injected beneath the skin. This injection made of hyaluronic acid that contains water and helps to retain volume under the skins surface. Here, the acid acts as the magnet for water that assists to preserve the renewed volume of the skin.
After the treatment, the patient can evident the results within one week. This injection is most popular among the women for the treatment of wrinkles that can also be accomplished via other non-surgical treatments such as IPL, Botox, and chemical peels. When the patient undergoes this treatment, he/she may consider swelling on the affected area for few days. Here, the surgeon always suggests the patient to prevent himself/herself from the sun. It is a temporary solution for the wrinkles & improving other facial features and it has ability to reduce the wrinkles about 80%. As it is considered as the easies and fast way to treat the wrinkles or other skin issues, these days most of the people like to opt for this.
by: Cutis Medical Laser Clinics
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