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Agony aunt job

Agony aunt job

Agony aunt job

Agony aunt job

Women who are caring, sympathetic, patient, good with people, good listeners and able to explain themselves may well be drawn to this type of work. If they have an ability to chat to people, take in information and put their point across in a sensible, accurate and caring way they may well be suitable for it. There are lots of websites that claim to be offering advice by agony aunts but very few that offer jobs for an agony aunt. This work can be suitable for anyone who has a computer or is stuck at home and bored and wanting a good way to fill their time and earn money at the same time. It might also suit someone who is looking after children, or elderly relatives or disabled and unable to go out much.

Most agony aunts are not interested in training up other agony aunts nor in employing new people that they do not know. But that has all changed now. A new site online is now offering jobs to totally new people, people who have what it takes, even if they have no previous experience and no qualifications. It is usually women who go to consult one and it is usually women who do such work. But it is available to men too. Most of the people who consult an expert go about relationship issues and men type problems but sometimes it is men who want advice about relationships or women too.

One of the great things abou this work is that every day is different. Another is that you are your own boss insomuch as you can rise to the top, like I did, and end up with your own business and stafff, or you can work for someone else part time, it is your choice. If you do what I did you end up with famous clients and being asked to go on television, if you want to avoid the limelight and work a lot less hours then go for the part time option.

I worked as an agony aunt for a long time so I know just how difficult ti can be to get into this type of work at the very beginning. Unfortunately, I no longer do this work and no longer employ staff so it is no good writing to me for a job. Please. I get emails every day from people asking me to employ them. I am retired so I cannot. So your best bet is to go to this new site.

You can get full details of it and find out if you are interested at the site. Just go to agony aunt for more details.
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