Advice On Selling Whatever It Is That You Are Selling From Someone Who Has Been Successfully Selling Since Childhood! Part 13 - The Conclusion!
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Yes, that's correct...the title says it all: Advice On Selling Whatever It Is That You Are Selling From Someone Who Has Been Successfully Selling Since Childhood! This is the thirteenth and finalpart in a series of articles about that dirty word: Selling!
Well, it has been fun writing these 13 installments and hopefully you have read them all, or are planning to do so! I love and have nearly 1900 articles on here during the past two years! They were mostly meant to attract attention to my website that I have only had for two years...actually the anniversary date will be April 15th and you will see I have been an member since April 21st...two years ago!
After a lifetime of face-to-face selling, I am now old and tired, but am happy to be a self-employed, work-from-home, entrepreneur, and YOU can do the really can!
Here's the CANNOT quit, get discouraged, stop working at it, or give up! You have to just keep pressing forward no matter what! Good things take time! In the beginning there would only be a sale once a month! Literally...once a month, but now it is a whole different story! You have to crawl before you can walk, and walk before you can run...right?
Remember this ancient Chinese proverb: "The person who says it cannot be done, should NOT interrupt the person who is doing it!"
My name is Father Time, of and I am here to tell YOU that you can do anything that you make up your mind to do, and if you do not think that you can, well, then you are mistaken!
Come visit the website and sign-up for my Daily Motivational e-mail Message service...I will give you a FREE subscription!
If you need something to sell, or something else to sell, then check this out, if you're in the USA!
Life is too short to sit around, bored, broke, sad, or can make money selling, and you can even make money online through a variety of venues! No matter who you are and no matter what skills you have or don't have...if you believe in yourself, and can develop some confidence, and some serious work habits, at least in the beginning...then YOU can make it!
Lastly, I have an eBook about How Anyone Can Make Money from Home!It isn't something that someone sent me for free and I am trying to send it to you! I actually wrote it and it's pretty damn good! Maybe you should try it?
The main thing is to TRY SOMETHING! Don't let life pass you by, get up, get out there, or get online, and DO something!
Good Luck & Many Blessings!
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Advice On Selling Whatever It Is That You Are Selling From Someone Who Has Been Successfully Selling Since Childhood! Part 13 - The Conclusion! Shanghai