Acid Vs Alkaline Diet to Save On Your Health Insurance Plans

Share: Acid Vs Alkaline Diet to Save On Your Health Insurance Plans
Acidity is measured on a scale called PH. Any number below 7, say 6.5 for example is on the acid side. The lesser the number, the more the acidity is created in the body. On the other hand, anything greater than 7, e.g. 7.5 is considered alkaline. The maximum on the alkaline side is 14. Our body's internal system needs a pH of just above 7.0, so, slightly on the alkaline side of the pH scale. All our cellular mechanisms function best in this slightly alkaline environment.
When our body gets to be acidic, i.e. PH of fewer than 7, you will start to have problems. Your symptoms can include low energy levels, easy fatigability, muscle pain, frequent illnesses, headaches, cramps and much more too.
Eating and drinking stuff that increases acidity can aggravate these problems. Instead, try taking foods and drinks that are naturally more alkaline. Acid promoting foods include almost all dairy foods, like milk, cheese, yogurt. Many fruits promote acidity like apricots, prunes, all citrusy fruits. Then there are vegetables like tomatoes which are highly acidic.

Share: Most meats and especially processed meats go acidic on you. Many spices also can contribute to increased acidity. Black tea is considered to promote acidity. To find out more about this do some quick research for yourself on the net, or ask a nutritionist for the low down.
You can restore the balance of your pH by angling for foods and drinks that go alkaline when they are consumed. Good examples are watermelon, cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, sprouts, bean sprouts. Of course, most leafy vegetables will help your alkalinity including lettuce, spinach, and Kale. In addition, many nuts like almonds - but not peanuts - and last but not least on our quick list, green tea.
Children generally are more tolerant towards their pH range, but there is research that suggests that pH does have an effect on things like attention spans, and hyperactivity. Talk to your pediatrician, nutritionist, or child psychologist to learn more about how the choice of foods can affect your child's mood and activity level.
Take Care As Some Things Can Swing Both Ways
Some things can swing both ways. For example apples and bananas, as well as some melons can help you to get less acidic when you are too acidic but they will also at other times neutralize alkalinity.
As you restore your body's alkaline balance you will feel an amazing change in your health status. You will be less prone to illnesses and allergies. You will have a higher energy level. You may even find that your mood and mental acuity are better off. Certainly you will need to spend less time worrying about your health insurance plans, medical care plans! Being in a balanced alkaline pH will also help you to lose weight. The benefits are great, so start today to alkalize' your body. Taking care of the body by being choosy in our diet helps in the long run and with the passage of time completely remove the toxins out of the body.
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