Dr. Hurtado Cosmetic dentistry has greatly improved in just the last - Dental Insurance" />
Dr. Hurtado Cosmetic dentistry has greatly improved in just the last" />
Dr. Hurtado Cosmetic dentistry has greatly improved in just the last" />
Cosmetic dentistry has greatly improved in just the last few years. Now you need no longer suffer from an unattractive smile or feel as though opportunities are being lost to you because you were not blessed with perfectly straight teeth. Implant dentistry makes it possible for you to have a healthy and attractive smile through the replacement of missing teeth. Now you no longer have to go through life feeling as though you are missing out because of your smile. Implant dentistry offers numerous benefits to dental patients. These methods provide a beautiful alternative to dentures or bridges. No one will even know that you have had cosmetic dentistry performed as the implants not only look like natural teeth, but act like natural teeth. Implants also provide further benefits due to the way they are able to maintain crucial bone mass. The use of implants can actually help you to prevent the loss of any additional teeth and prevent the changed facial appearance that often accompanies tooth loss. Once an implant is in place it will begin to attach to the jawbone. This is what makes it possible for the implant to withstand the efforts of chewing and biting, ultimately allowing it to function in the same way that a natural and healthy tooth would function. Implant dentistry may be appropriate if you have one or even multiple missing teeth. You may also be a good candidate for implant dentistry if you require a full or a partial denture support. Dental implants are most successful when there is a sufficient amount of bone present to work with. Even if there is not enough bone present, you may still be able to benefit from this form of cosmetic dentistry through the use of a bone-grafting procedure. The first step in benefiting from implant dentistry is to schedule an appointment with your dentist who performs this type of cosmetic dentistry. The dentist will usually X-ray your mouth to gain an idea of what your needs may be. In some instances, CT scans may also be necessary. Impressions can then be made of your mouth and used for the creation of a restoration that will be completely customized for your mouth. Dental implants offer an excellent way to help you achieve a beautiful and healthy smile, even if you have one or more missing teeth.About the Author: