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When Starting Beekeeping Buying Bees Is Not The First Thing You Do

When Starting Beekeeping Buying Bees Is Not The First Thing You Do

Everyone has their own reason for doing things

, this is also true for wanting to start beekeeping. It could be that they wish to increase the harvest in their orchard and want to improve the pollination by bringing in bees. They could have a dream of making and selling honey as a business. They could just be interested in the way bees live or many other reasons. But all need to prepare properly before buying bees or the beekeeping could be over before it really starts.

Do you have an allergy to bee stings? If you are severely allergic the risk of beekeeping is too great - medical tests are readily available take one - it could save your life.

Check out the local regulations and byelaws. Although they are no longer common and getting rarer local regulations still exist that restrict beekeeping and you must be aware of them if they apply in your area.

Make your friends and neighbors aware of your plans and on your side not nervous of being infested with bees and other misconceptions. Honey is a very good persuader and if you also explain about better pollination improving their crops and yards it is usually a clincher.

Prepare the site where you are going to keep the bees, level an area for the hive(s) to stand and make sure there is a continuous water source. If the bees do not have a water source they will find one and them visiting local swimming and paddling pools is not desirable. In urban areas properly fence their area to ensure that the bees fly above head height and not worry people.

All equipment you have obtained must be fully sterilized and be clear of any disease spores. Steam cleaning everything seems to do the job.

Contact the local beekeepers and chat with them about beekeeping in your local area. You will probaby be able to gain a beekeeping mentor and possibly friends.

Check the reputations of prospective suppliers. Ask them for references and take them up. (If any dealer refuses to give references DO NOT BUY from them). The local beekeepers will share their opinion of suppliers.

Now you are almost ready to buy. All that is left to do is decide on the format in which you wish to buy the bees. The formats they come in are: a full colony, a package, a nucleus or a swarm and now some dealers are selling starter kits specifically designed for the beginner. The kits contain everything the beginner will need, a hive all made up with supers, frames, excluders, crown board and a nucleus with a laying queen and worker bees.

Do the proper preparation and you will start on the adventure of beekeeping which will last a lifetime.

by: Ben Field
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When Starting Beekeeping Buying Bees Is Not The First Thing You Do Shanghai