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Powerful Adwords Techniques To Make Money by:Taylor Hutchison-Brown

Powerful Adwords Techniques To Make Money by:Taylor Hutchison-Brown

Internet has opened up a number of possibilities for people to make money online

. There are millions of online businesses generating income for people. Google Adwords is one such opportunity which is made use of by many people. In order to use this method to generate money, there are two steps to be followed namely go to Adwords at Google and also open an account with Clickbank and sign up as an affiliate.

The process itself is pretty simple. On the main page of clickbank, click on "Promote Products". The product index page opens up. All these products are sold through clickbank. There is a concise description of the product along with details of how much margin you make as an affiliate.

The next step involves going to the sales page of the product and read about it. Study in detail the various benefits of the product before writing your own Google Adwords advertisement. Your success with the program depends on how effectively you write your Adwords. The best format include writing an effective headline preferably in a question format, the first line listing at least one major feature of the product, the second lining the benefit offered by the product and the next line featuring your website address. It is as simple as that.

You now submit your ad based on the budget you select and wait for just ten minutes for your ad to appear on the Google network. As users click on your ad, you will be charged by Google per click. The amount of money you have to pay per click depends on the amount you bid on a particular keyword.

You receive your commission only if the searcher goes to your site and purchases a product. The commission is credited by the Clickbank into your Clickbank account. Making money with Google Adwords therefore essentially depends on your CTR or Click Through Rate and ROI or Return On Investment. Your skill lies in how effectively you balance between these two to make maximum money.

You just subtract the ad running cost from the money you earn to determine the return on investment. A profitable ad can generate a lot of business by increasing the number of people clicking on it.

Here are a few tips on writing Adwords that are sure to generate a good affiliate income by lowering the cost per click and increasing the number of clicks.

Concentrate on a specific niche depending on aspects such as language for example if you are selling an eBook. It does not make sense including non English speaking countries if you are selling a book in English.

Make your keyword specific by including brackets around it. This way the searches will not show up your ad unless it is for that specific keyword phrase.

It is possible to arrive at a high click rate ratio by trial and error. Keep trying multiple ads in order to hit upon the ones that work best and generate the most number of clicks. Replace the poor performing ads with fresh ones until you hit upon an ad that generates the most number of clicks.

Constantly keep a watch and monitor the Return on Investment for every ad. This is possible by tracking the conversion ratio with the help of a tracking link.

Make sure niche keywords are included both in the headline as well as in the description. Your keyword will automatically be highlighted in bold by Google ensuring user's attention is captured as they search for that particular keyword.

Ensure the ad includes at least a couple of benefits of the product you are selling. For example, mention benefits such as stay younger, live healthier, etc.

Make your headline as powerful as possible. For this, the first word must grab the attention of the reader. You can start your headline with words such as New, Sale, etc.

Use effective phrases that call readers to action immediately. For this, the words you use must be powerful and instigate a response by working on the reader's enthusiasm and emotions. Some of the powerful words you can use for this purpose include discover, time limited offer, free shipping, etc. Sale ends tomorrow, Buy Today and save 40%, etc are some of the effective phrases you can include. An important aspect to remember is if the phrase is not related to your product, the ad itself will be rejected by Google.

Highlight the unique benefit offered by your product as compared to other similar products in the market in your ads.

Instead of linking to the home page, you can achieve more conversion ratio by linking your ads to the landing page of your site.

Including the price of product in the ad is a good idea to keep away those who are hunting for free offers.

Take care of the above aspects and keep a continuous track of your ad performance to reap benefits from your Google Adwords campaign.

About the author

Taylor Hutchison-Brown is an Internet Marketer who loves to share his knowledge, skills and experience. If you would like to learn more about Powerful Adwords Techniques To Make Money or other Internet Money Making principles, strategies and resources as well as tips on monetizing your online business visit "" now!

Copyright C 2009 Taylor Hutchison-Brown, All Rights Reserved.

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Powerful Adwords Techniques To Make Money by:Taylor Hutchison-Brown