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Phuket Kings Cup Regatta - Sailing For Glory

Phuket Kings Cup Regatta - Sailing For Glory

Phuket Kings Cup Regatta is an annual sailing event that first started on December

05th 1987 as a celebration of King Bhumibol Adulyadejs 60th birthday. A great fan of sailing himself, the longest reigning monarch in the world is a beholder of the Kings Cup which gives this international sailing event its unmistakable name. This is by far Phukets most important international sporting event that attracts thousands of yachtsmen and women to the shores of picturesque Kata Beach where this much awaited racing event takes place under the watchful eyes of many fans who travel to the region to witness this spectacle first hand.

Those of us you who do not enjoy watching from the sidelines will be pleased to find out that most sailing crews are short of at least 1 or 2 members and if you have a few years of sailing experience under your belt or if you manage to convince one of the skippers that youre up for the challenge you just might get the chance to climb on board one of the yachts and be a part of a real team of sailors who have years of experience behind them.
Phuket Kings Cup Regatta - Sailing For Glory

This event goes on for at least 8 or 9 days each year. Usually the event kicks off after the final day of registration where sailing crews from around the world line up for the chance to take part in this annual event. The practice race is held the next day which is followed by a skippers briefing where the leaders of the teams will get an idea of the objectives they need to achieve during the course of this race. The opening ceremony is held on the same day. This is the first chance that the crew members and fans get to mingle with each other before the competition gets underway. After all preparations are finally done, the race begins and at the close of each day there is a prize giving that awards the leading contenders. After five days of fierce competition, its finally time for the much awaited candle-light ceremony which celebrates the birthday of His Majesty the King of Thailand.

Located among the calm surroundings of Patong Beach, Millennium Resort Patong Phuket offers you five star accommodation in a lush tropical atmosphere. Booking your stay at this well appointed Phuket hotel will also provide the chance to enjoy amazing seaside or lakeside views from the comfort of your room.

by: Pushpitha Wijesinghe
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Phuket Kings Cup Regatta - Sailing For Glory Tai'an