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Pain Free Twinkle For A Whole New Sparkle

twinkles is the general name for the new hybrid of jewelry that uses the human teeth as its attachment foundation

. This type of teeth jewelry combines gold and synthetic or genuine diamonds to cater the extra sparkling smile that its owners bought them for. Unlike other fashionable personal ornaments like piercing and tattoo, teeth jewelry does not require physical pain and compromise from its owner. The attachment process that it requires is relatively painless and does not leave a permanent mark or damage to the tooth or teeth that it used to be placed on. Understanding the general process of attaching this type of jewelry can help its possible customers to see how easy can this dental accessory be easily attached and removed without pain through drills and holes.

In applying twinkles to the teeth, the first step that an individual must do is to clean the tooth or teeth to be attached on with fluoride- free polishing paste. Attaching this type of jewelry can be done by its buyer with or without the supervision of dental experts, although it is advisable to get the professional assistance from dentists in attaching this type of teeth jewelry. After cleaning, the tooth or teeth to be attached on will be etched to roughen its surface; this would also allow the bonding composite to really bind the tooth and twinkles. The composite glue most of the time is light curing or those that harden if exposed to light. The teeth jewelry should be aligned and set into the composite glue in approximately 20 seconds. A high intensity lamp will be set on the area for around 60 seconds to allow the composite glue to completely harden. The whole process of attaching this type of teeth jewelry will be finished in 4 minutes maximum. The individual after the attachment process can opt to be treated with fluoride to re- mineralize the fluoride that he or she lost during the cleaning and etching parts of the process.

Taking a closer look at the whole process, there are notable points which are excluded in the process list. One of those is pain. Individuals can take at the whole process of attaching a teeth jewelry and find out that there is not a single part of it that will cause any pain. For more information visit to our site at

by: Geneva Mahon
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Pain Free Twinkle For A Whole New Sparkle Spalding