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Local Arizona Dentists Get Economic Stimulus Package!

Scottsdale, AZ In these times of economic uncertainty

, dentists need new and fresh marketing strategies that work without costing a fortune.

the rules of the game have changed and nobody told the local dentists. Says Bestselling Author Gerry Robert

Susan Bateman and Ivan Litscher will be releasing their new book: The Busy Doctors Guide to Marketing Success How to Attract Patients in the New Economy which will show dentists how to attract a flood of new patients by using the Busy Doctor Six Elements. No longer can Arizona dentists rely on nice waiting rooms, gimmicky marketing tricks, unresponsive advertising, automated postcards and reminder services. This new book will show the 6 Element which include:

-The Need to Use PULL Marketing

-The Power of Differentiation

-The Elements of Authority in Gaining Case Compliance

-Beyond the Degree

-Powerful Visibility to Raise Personal Brand

-Social Media Tactics for Dentists

Busy Doctor Marketing is launching the book with a 50 city tour of Marketing Seminars. They have invited marketing expert and bestselling author Gerry Robert from Canada to share how dentists can attract 500 new patients without spending a fortune. Robert has taught his innovative marketing strategies and tactics to over 3 million people from around the world. The difference of this seminar is that it is being offered to the dental community for the first time under the Busy Doctor Marketing banner. This seminar has made huge impact with Fortune 500 companies globally with participants from global leaders such as Microsoft, Dell, Bank of America, FedEx, ReMax, Coke, Malaysia Airlines, Shell and Prudential Insurance, just to name a few.

Did you know that last month there were over 6 million searches on Google alone for the word dentist? With social media and the internet what they are today, every business owner needs to educate themselves, says Robert. He teaches non-traditional methods to attracting clients. This includes twitter and youtube marketing to using a book as a business card. When I get to Scottsdale in January these dentists are in for a real treat. I havent been this excited about a speaking engagement in who knows when!

Busy Doctor Marketing have a limited number of promotional tickets valued at $1,795 for a 2 day marketing seminar in January. Anyone wishing to receive one of these promotional tickets can do so by visiting Only a few promotional tickets remain and are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.

by: busydoctormarketing
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Local Arizona Dentists Get Economic Stimulus Package! Tai'an