Linking genetics to develop lung cancer
And 'know that a number of cancers such as colon and ovarian cancer to run in families
. Although the role of genetics of lung cancer is not well known, with a family history of the disease increases our risk of a certain level. Lung cancer genetics is higher for women, smokers and people with early onset of cancer. Taken together, it was expected that 1.7% of lung cancer at the age of 68 are inherited up a.
Asbestos lung mesotheliomaLung cancer isidentifies the third most common cancer in the United States and is the leading cause of death in the United States and worldwide. Indeed, there is a recognition that smoking causes lung cancer, there are individual differences in susceptibility to lung carcinogens.
Smokers develop lung cancer are less likely to suffer from cancer, a family history as a non-smoking and development. But that said, for people who have a genetic predisposition, theCancer from smoking is to increase this risk.
Asbestos lung mesotheliomaHowever, genetics also plays a significant role in developing this deadly disease. And 'likely life for heavy smokers during their stay cancer free, while non-smokers can still develop lung cancer because of their genetic characteristics.
If you find that you are genetically predisposed to lung cancer, cancer, the most effective prevention is not smoking cigarettes. Other measures to stay healthy andcould reduce the risk. These include a balanced diet to maintain healthy cells, as well as exercising regularly, and keep away from air pollution and tobacco smoke. Linking genetics to develop lung cancer
By: Colten
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