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How You Can Market Your Website For Almost No Costs by:Randall Drake

How You Can Market Your Website For Almost No Costs by:Randall Drake

Did you know your website could be marketed for little to no money

? That's right. There is no need to spend tons of money marketing your website. Get the word out about your website without going broke. It will take more effort on your part, but when you are first starting out you really don't have the extra money to be able to spend.

When you are trying to promote your website, you should commit to the rule of three before you deem the method is not viable. Simply put this means that you should give each campaign at least three months to track before you change. Take the time to review the results and evaluate them by the leads and customers that each method creates. Once you see the results you can make up your mind whether or not you want to use the method again.

Search engine keyword optimization is a great, easy way to market your website. But you do not want to make the mistake of using the same popular keywords that everyone is using. When you do this it would take possibly years for you to make your way to the top. A better method is to pick a set of keywords that is less popular but still has enough clicks to make it worth your efforts.

Search engines will pick up on the keywords and your site will come up in searches, leading prospective clients to your site. In order to use keywords you will need to locate the words that describe your product or service. Then you will need to place them in very specific areas of your site and do not group them all in one place. Generally four or five mentions of the keyword is a good way to go. The placement should be in the beginnings, somewhere in the middle, and of course do not forget they should also be placed toward the end.

You should also have your site submitted to different search engines. There are services that will do this for you. or Site-See will submit your site for you. The fees for submission will range and increase according to how many submissions you want made. Another one that you could use is isubmit .com that will give you a free trial of thirty days first. Or you can do this on your own if you so choose. It will take much longer but if you have the time it would be a good choice when first starting out.

Be sure to check search engines periodically to see how your site ranks. You can get a Google page ranker on your home page and every time you go to your website you will be able to find out what the page rank for your site is. The page ranker goes from 1-10. You can also load the google toolbar onto your browser and it will show you the ranking of each page you visit. That way you can also visit your competition and see what there rankings are. It might also give you ideas of what you need to change on your homepage.

Trying to outsmart the search engines is not a good idea. If you overload keywords you will end up getting your site getting label as spam. Do not repeat words over and over again just to get the ranking of your site increased. That will backfire on you and your site can get banned. Try to alter the combinations of your keywords also so that although they are the same they really appear different. Other things you should not do include, inserting meta tags that are unrelated to page content. The usage of words that are not legal because of their color or size is also a no-no. Just play by the rules and build up interest in your site the legal and right way. In the end it is much better to play by the rules so you do not become banned. If you have to start over you have just wasted to much time by taking shortcuts.

Take the time to join some online communities. Networking with people online is a great way to get your website noticed. Forums is one of the best ways to not only promote a link to your site by adding valuable input but it will also give you valuable insight for building your own site. Be patient with your site. An increase in page rankings will not occur over night. You will have to give your site some time to grow and more people to reach it. The sooner you start promoting it the sooner it will climb in the rankings. Do not wait until you know more before you begin. People make this critical mistake all too often. They keep saying let me learn this and then I'll go, but that just one more thing never seems to stop. Once customers know that you are out there they will be sure to return if you offer good services. Stay on top of your internet marketing and promotion.

So the important thing to know is that there are many different options out there to promote your website for little to no costs. Also remember your keywords can make or break you if used improperly and never try to outsmart the search engines. And most of all enjoy what you are doing.

About the author

Randall Drake is an accomplished writter of many different types of articles ranging from how to start your own business to advanced marketing techniques. A successful business owner himself he also reaches out to the community to help them be successful in their own businesses as well. Visit his website at and sign up for his newsletter today.
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How You Can Market Your Website For Almost No Costs by:Randall Drake