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Girls Who Become Women

Girls Who Become Women

Girls Who Become Women


Girls are born into life as are all, who come to share of their time among those already here.

Inwardly they by nature, are very different than the males who share time here, girls are gifted withan ability to live life in a global way with an all seeing frame about their eyes.

Restricted from an early age by the first male in their life, they slowly overcome the barrier and move forwards with a distant love hate for the years of their early life so blindly scripted into a moulding that lets them see they are different to the other forms of life about them.

Love to a girl is as natural as is breathing, from the very beginning of her formation; she embraces the male's side without bias selecting the love of her future life

Sex to a girl is far different than the male she feast her gaze on, she is passionate seeking attention and expression of pleasure while her partner is seeking the self proof of his own ability of masculine direction, often with little regard to how the girl feels about the event being so shared. She in form is life loving while he is seeking the inner pleasure of self. She equally hungering for the moment relents to the event in order to feast on her own needs, often without the pleaser being felt.

Withthe passing of the years into an age, the girl transforms into a woman who surviving the pivot years establishes a place in the sea of movement about her and settles on one who hopefully, will last the time to seek out the distant future, often though, this fails her and again she is among the many who have tasted and rejected the bonding to the other form. Hurt and wiser, she being a life form moves on with deeper insight to her future and how to get there while her partner being an existence form, wallows in a sea of life until a vision leads a way for him to view a future that is wiser from the learning.

Healing is a woman's ability that is a natural facility designed to help those of the same fold to over come the inner hurt inflicted by those existing in life about her. Know well women's self esteem is not stored in a jar in a cupboard. Many feel guilt at sharing this gift of design, yet being a different form, they should be thankful at the shared pleasure of the one called to her life's hurt accepting thankfully the gift of her healing without self censure.

Of those years that experienced death from time, many of the feminine fold silently suffered with an inner truth that they were right in their choice of decision. They fought hard for an acceptance and an elevation of their dignity among the other forms they lived their life with, which was not always in harmony to their way of seeing the reason for being here. Others with their blindness often reduced their standing to a lesser level than an unwanted animal, yet their inner strength won with a gradual climb to equality that is not all that equal. Seeking laws to be enforced to help their plight has brought about a barrier of concern from the other forms in that a weapon of power is within the grasp to inflict a halting to the level of belief that the feminine form of life is no more than a form of pleasure and a tool of convenience.

Built of a design that is life orientated, the girl in growth sees about her a different world than that of which her brother see. She is global and all aware with a strength that is often hidden through rejection by other about her. Yet some see that they have a tool for their spirit to work with and touch many with their ability to set an example for the fold to follow. Often when this desire to expand the inner energy, is restricted, she becomes either a attacking protector of her being or she hides behind defeat that she was born of her design. Sadly for her she failed her birth by so choosing that lesser way. Acceptance and support is all she seeks, not ridicule and denial of her right of birth to be who she came here to be.

Emotionally she is sensitive to events about her, crying at a portrayal of life by one acting to do entertain, her release of tears also removes the anger build up so strong in the others who are here and fail no to shed of their tears. This ability is a feature of her design towards those about her. She being sensitive is able to receive the energy of pain and hurt, of loss and of need that is transmitted out from those about her. Often she will fail to respond for fear of what may be said of her. Yet there are some who will touch the silent cries for help by others and fear not of their actions in touching the inner pain of others she feels.

Comforting and protecting is her nature and happy when all those about her, she is content at her efforts to please; she will smile at herself for the gift of pleasing others. Often her efforts are gone unnoticed though and her guilt is expressed with a "Sorry." A natural response and mixture of her sensitivity from thinking she had failed imparting pleasure to those she helped.

Oftenleft to wonder why others react to you as they do, there are many events that fail to comprehend clearly with you way of thinking, many times, why is left unanswered as you fall into being subjected to abuse by others who fail to see the deeper quality within you, that quality and inner strength help carry you over the insult and your reasoning stands you well in self comforting as you move on from the lesser form of social thinking. Becoming a woman is hard for any girl as she moves through the ageing process and leaves the child behind to seek the years of being a teen. Seeing many about you of different ages and wondering who they battled through the years towards their twentieth year.

Many like you who left that time when you were nearing then end of childhood, suffered as you are, but their form an ability helped them survive through the wisdom of their mother, a talking post that also shared the loving embrace of a genuine affection at having helped shape your form. They before you learned what was right for them while you in your time now learn what is right for you. They may feel cheated in that you have what they couldn't as you may of those behind you growing through age. Be who you are and feast on what is there for you among those in the same block of time that was your birth year. Change in a direction which feels right to you and see your life as being yours to live, a time and a world that is there for the making and created through your ability to think of what and where you are in this time. At your age in this year you can follow those about you or you can be someone different and move through the period of time towards a conclusion that will leave you happy or feeling a sense of waste and failed efforts from not having an idea where your dreams wanted to take you.

Every woman was a child at one time, they, many years before you in berth have seen the changes occurring in their lives and wonder how you will cope with your ageing, while you are more intent on enjoying yourself with the now failing to be aware that things have changed for you with controls and restrictions. History when viewed fails to impart the true meaning as you were not there to feel the emotions of those who were. With your friend, the year long talks on the telephone about daily events is an escape and offers a sense of reassurance that you are not alone on a world that is moving about with everyone else. Your friend knows of other with the same problems and to you, which is comforting. Your secrets from your parents is not new, they in their age also had secrets from your grand parents. They though in their older years of ageing, see you in a different way than they saw your mother at your age. You too will one day, be a grandmother and wiser with the years behind you, will view they girl that was not here when you were, would you be her friend? Would you spend years on the telephone with here?

Who knows, but you are older than she and she is here because of your children being here and that to a woman, is a special gift, she is related to but not from you, she's easily returned to the original owner, comforting. Coming of age is a special event, but what really is coming of age? Growing through to a number of years that is magically supposed to turn you into a woman? Coming of age is an individual thing that you feel within when your learning of what is about you, makes sense and you can go forwards feeling confidant and self assured at your decision making Some girls this happens at an early age while other girls, it is latter in their life. Being free to function in an independent way is a start and having a sense of control over your life is a real advantage but it comes with a price if not planed for. Knowing your ageing is a forward functioning event that each year is one digit higher than the last. The years at times seem to be passing you by with little in your life to show for your time here. Having a plan of what you want while her and how to get it, makes a big difference in how you will end your future in some distant time. Being aware of the pivot years and how you felt when they came along with the change in your life, leaving you with a sense of having learned from that time frame. You can go into your future openly as an independent woman patient with the slowly unfolding time before you which seems no more an obstacle. I'll be X age next year, what can I show for that time? Is when answered with joy, a moment of fulfilment and self pride at being born to be who you are. When the one of the others whom you selected, is a helper ad meets you half way with support, a magic connection happens switching on the love that has always been stored in your heart. A moment of magic that can last a life time for you both.

On comparing those of your fold with yourself, can be a barrier to your progression, you are you to be you and those about you, they are who they are. So feel not a desire to be them, for they are living in their time frame as you are, switching on to your life and leading along towards the direction of your future, will blend you into being her, for she is there having advanced to the ways of her birth time as you, if not yet achieved, must learn and connect by being you. She is powerful and nice, yes. But her level is there before your eyes because of a number of years already lived and learned, she may leave to morrow never to return again as a physical life. You in past lives have known her and it is that magic which you feel a need to compare yourself to her. You are still in school while she will soon to graduate from University. You have to be you and live as you to enter University of life, that is achieved by the way you think and feel about yourself with the form of human life that you are.

Mentally by natures design, you are advanced of the others in life's sharing by some two years. Though this gap is shrinking and there are some among the others who are nearing the match of your design mentally in how they think. Your design from birth is to be a human form that has ability, power and vision. It is the others who be their design, are of a lesser level and need to attain through life learning, to match your level of life energy. His when achieved will produce a combined powerful form of human beings that in time, will grow in harmony and power of design. Many of those who are Indigo and Rainbow have this ability as a sampling for those who as yet, are not gearing towards the higher level of human design. Induce onto the earth's life energy and you will create a higher level of induced energy from that induction. This natural level of design quality has a filtering level of energy that often drowns the others who feel a sense of threat and fear from those of your fold. They react to you in a negative way, tending to hide behind their form and failing to connect to your needs. You being life orientated have the advantage of connecting to life and all that is about you in a global way. Your ability to view what is needed is superior to that of how the others vision life. The lateral thinking of your mind gathers information that lets you work in the easiest way at solving problems, your thinking in this way is to help you function as a woman who will one day, mother children who will need your undivided attention for their survival, while still being aware of what is about you that may harm the magic of being a mother.

Eventually as time moves forwards into a new phase of earth life, those who are on your level of thinking and relating, will meet the higher feminine way of functioning while still retaining the natural ways of the others design. Of those who fail this insightfulness will vanish if form as being of no value to the future phase of earth life. When a species is of no use to the life energy about it, that species becomes extinct leaving the better form to flourish towards a future that is waiting to be reviled by the newer thought energy from the compatible two species remaining to support life on earth.

Women then because of their higher level of sensitivity, feel that their way of treatment in life is degrading and not being treated the way they know internally, is correct for them. Thus by enforcing their rights, they are setting up a barrier and a distance between themselves are the others they are here with who by nature, they want to get on with and live in a respectful way of equally acceptance. Sadly they failed to see what was needed to change and by having words spoken and written to reflect the changed they seek, is removing the very identity of the powerfulness of women. Removing the personal identity is slowly removing the difference of the species and becoming a common form without difference. Feeling offence at what is said and feeing guilt at being seen as a lesser form, brings down thought the thought process, the strength of the form that is woman. The others are in part to blame, they being sexual in outlook, have created a level of lowering the self esteem of you by focusing the sexual level of your form through whatever method they chose. Women by nature are open among them selves and discuss forms from the heart and mind while the others feelings come from the gut without much thought of the intercepted meaning. This fear to communicate and express the basic body food desire caused a focus towards centrefold and photos when the view of an image cane be gazed at without any movement of the subject. A woman will glance at one of the other who when returning the glance, shift her focus terminating the contact. Sitting with her friends and the other singles her attention to view, upsets her, their is no verbal follow up to the visual theft which is felt at an invasion. She wants to be noticed, but when one of the others takes notice, it is in his form of viewing, not on her level and a lack of knowing of this difference leaves her feeling invaded. Slowly this way of thinking led to a way that is now limiting how humans relate to each other with the others finding it all too difficult to say anything to you for fear of it being seen as offensive. Women need a shield to hide behind and have a sense of protection, but at what cost?

Organized with you life at hand, you can obtain whatever you desire to do, simply believe that you are able to achieve what you desire to achieve. Many have and will try to belittle you and through their own failings, try and script you into protecting them by not allowing you to outclass them. Go and do whatever you feel is right for you to do and be happy with that choice. Being an aged woman on you way to the cemetery knowing you have done what you wanted to do and are happy at that, is better than wishing you had done more with your time here. Many like you feel they can not do this or that and don't bother to try or hide behind not knowing where to start. Women by design are talkers and using the gift of speech, simply need to ask without fear of what others might think of you. Often this is hard and difficult to do, front up and spurt out what you need to know. But once done it becomes easier the next time and the more you do things on your own, the more things for you to do, come your way. A lion in the grass watching the heard walk past will some die of hunger. So go for what you desire without fear, You have a sense of being organized to utilize that ability and show the world that you live here too in what ever way you desire. Moments will past you when little things make you feel on top of the world. Be thankful for those small gifts form wherever they come, they are yours and being accepting, moves the power of a gift to you. Rejecting the moment, stops the power from going any further. The happier you are about yourself, the happier will be the people who will come into your life.

Moments of magic when they come from the others, are to be feasted on with relish, as it is a sign they are learning to connect to you, the more you encourage this quality, then the more they will grasp the meaning of your being.

Enjoy the fact that you came to this world as you to live among many other who are here with you in this frame of time. Their age is not really an issue; they are here because you are here for them. A leaf on a bush that dies in autumn returns in spring, not necessarily on the same tree, but on a tree with other leaves who are there to help tree move towards the next winter. How you see yourself among those here with you, is how you move forward the energy of your past lives with them. Eat well of the energy that is life and respect that which is not of your liking, how you feel maybe a sample of how they feel about you. If it feels wrong then why not change it and mend the hurt from a past time. Without flooding yourself on people, cast out the energy that you want to be with this time round and let it return to you with the capture of that casting. What you ask for will come, often we ask but not knowing what it is we seek and on return, it is rejected. If it has returned to you, then see what you can learn from it and expand your own knowledge to better your standing here as a woman.

Nowas we close this insight. Never feel you are a lesser form of life because of your design. See yourself as a different species to the others here with you. You are an attraction of eyes because of your beauty and shape. Those who fail to see you are usually too involved in their own desires of needs that are out of their reach. Pity them if you feel are not of a form that is desired, you are here and the more they accept you, the more they will find what they are looking for in your fold. Regardless of form shape, you are by birth, an energy in human form that is practice and deep in outlook. Finding that conflict is of little value and wasteful to your foundation of being. Though when the time requires you defence to awaken, you are a formable force often reducing the others to water stature. Those others who your ability fails to render useless should be seen as a danger to your well being. Those of the others who blend in with you as a part of your time here, be grateful for there being a part of the moments that is your total life time. Know that they are not always able to be at your level and see their ways as not really knowing what to do when around you. They feel out of place yet have a need to be with the mother image without the mother control, so they will seek to be in charge and control to image they feared as a child. Love yourself and you will learn to love them, even those with their failings and flaws of living with you.

Dave F Ryan 01/12/09
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Girls Who Become Women