Gall Bladder Cancer Diagnosis & Treatment
Author: melanie4d00
Author: melanie4d00
Gall Bladder Cancer is a rare disease which malignant cells are found in the tissues of the gallbladder. Gall Bladder symptom is acute or intermittent pain in the abdomen. Jaundice (the skin turning yellow), bloating, abdominal pain, weight loss, decreasing appetite, fever, nausea or an enlarging abdominal mass are all signs that may be attributable to gall bladder cancer. Causes of Gall Bladder cancer are chronic constipation, poor health, hereditary factors, and stress.
Share: Gallstones compose a solid formation of cholesterol and bile salts. However, research shows that approximately 80 to 90 percent of all gallstones are cholesterol gallstones which form when the liver begins secreting bile that is abnormally saturated with cholesterol. Weight-loss dieting increases the risk of developing gallstones. The incidence of gallstone formation increases with age, especially among women. Gall Bladder cancer is a comparatively uncommon cancer. Gallbladder cancer tends to spread nearby organs and tissues such as the liver or small intestine. It also spreads through the lymph system to lymph nodes in the region of the liver. If you have gallbladder disease, you have constant pain in the gallbladder, which is stayed under and to the side of the liver. The gallbladder is a small sack that stores bile from the liver. Gallbladder cancer is a disease that forms in tissues of the gallbladder. The gallbladder is a pear-shaped organ below the liver that collects and stores bile. Possible Symptoms of gallbladder cancer include jaundice, pain, and fever. It begins in the innermost layer of tissue and spreads through the outer layers as it grows. Gallbladder cancer removal is Just by common operations. Many people try to take care of gallbladder symptoms by eating less fatty food, or by taking herbs. You can also take antibiotics to treat your gallbladder symptoms.About the Author:
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