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Cosmetic Teeth Bleaching Procedures For Bright Smiles:

Cosmetic teeth bleaching procedures for bright smiles

, is wish of every one, who have in the past been not doing proper care of their teeth. A good eyes contact and a bright smile reflect your genuineness and the person you are facing reads it in a positive manner.

With the present advancements in cosmetic dentistry, there is no need to hide the teeth unintentionally, because cosmetic dentistry takes its place to bleach ones teeth and rectifies visible defects preventing one to have a full blown smile, which now is within ones easy reach.

Growing Demand for Teeth whitening:

From the Tooth Whitening market facts and figures available, the market is valued at about $600 million with a growth rate in the range of 15 to 20 percent. Besides teeth whitening procedures carried out under dentist supervision, there are drug stores, super markets and online marketing websites retailing over the counter teeth whitening products ranging from tooth pastes to other do it yourself kits with complete instructions.

The teeth whitening products are broadly grouped into two categories of whitening tooth pastes, which help in removing surface stain only. The peroxide based products in the form of gels, powders and lotions actually do the bleaching.

Products using peroxide are available from the dentist as well as over the counter products. The recommendation of the Dental associations is that for bleaching one must seek the help of a dentist, even while considering an over the counter product. The reason being, that bleaching can be uncomfortable for people having sensitive teeth, an exposed root and delicate gums.

Most of the products help in bleaching natural teeth, the reason being they are meant for bleaching natural teeth. In case there are colored fillings in the teeth, crowns, veneers or dentures, the bleaching effect shall be partially white and other colors of fillings etc.

Considering the nature of teeth the dentist evaluates whether bleaching is suitable for the teeth, because different types of discolorations behave differently to the whitening agents.

Many of the bleaching products do not offer permanency in their duration; as a result one has to undergo repeated bleaching procedures. Duration of the bleaching depends on the procedure opted and how one cares for the bleached teeth depending upon if one smokes and what one is eating or drinking.

Bleaching Procedure under Dentist Supervision:

The dentist does bleaching in-office or advises a procedure at-home as per details given below:

Chair-side bleaching:

The dentist starts whitening treatment by application of a protective gel or putting a rubber shield for protecting gums from the action of bleaching agent. An acidic solution is applied on the teeth to do preliminary etching. After this the oxidizing agent is allowed act on the enamel. Afterwards the teeth are exposed to bright laser light, which makes the action of oxidizing agent fast. Such a procedure is carried out for 3 4 sittings each sitting of half a minute to one minute. This procedure produces uniform bleaching in comparison to at-home bleaching.

Other Procedures:

Other procedures required to be carried for bleaching of teeth are mentioned below:

Bleaching pulp-damaged teeth:

Home bleaching (dentist prescribed):

Over-the-counter bleaching kits:

Whitening strips:

by: Wittchow Matt
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Cosmetic Teeth Bleaching Procedures For Bright Smiles: Spalding