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Breast Implants: Answers To Some Questions You Might Have

How long have breast inserts been on the market

? Although physicians have worked to find varied methods for increasing the size of women's breasts since the late 1890's, the actual silicone augmenters arrived on the market in the 1960's.

Exactly what are breast inserts? They are medical devices implanted in a woman's body in order to increase the size or reconstruct her breasts. They can be filled with either silicone or saline and come in an array of sizes, textures and shapes. The silicone devices are pre-filled before they are inserted; the others may be either pre-filled or filled after they have been implanted into the patient.

Are there age restrictions for a patient to have this type of surgery? There is no age restriction for inserting inserts into a woman during reconstructive surgery. For saline inserts, the minimum age is eighteen years old and for the other minimum age is twenty-two.

Why is there an age restriction? The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is the agency responsible for making sure that all food, medicine and medical devices are safe for the general public. The FDA stipulates age requirements in order to allow for a woman's body to be fully matured and developed along with her decision making skills. There are slightly more risks with silicone, so the age restriction is a bit stricter.

What are the risks of complication? With any medical procedure, there are risks and breast augmentation with inserts is no exception. There are risks of rupture, scarring, hardening, asymmetry, adverse reaction to the anesthetic and a need for re-surgery to correct problems that occur.

Why was silicone pulled from the market several years ago? There were claims that the devices were linked with health problems. The FDA did an extensive study to determine their safety. There are ongoing post-surgical studies and they are only allowed if the patients agree to be part of a case study.

How would ruptures be monitored? Ruptures of the saline devices are noticed immediately but the other is harder to detect. It is for this reason that periodic MRI's are sometimes recommended by health care practitioners.

Most recipients are extremely happy with the result and are problem free. A woman who is considering having this procedure performed should make an appointment with a reputable plastic surgeon to discuss her options.

by: Abigail Aaronson
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Breast Implants: Answers To Some Questions You Might Have Clemson