Are You Cashing In On The Right Mlm Network Marketing Leads?
Share: Now what exactly is a mlm network marketing lead
, and who would be the best one for your network marketing business.
Well first off a lead for your business is simply a person that is a potential distributor for your company. No big secrets there.
But not very many people understand who their BEST MLM Network marketing lead is.
I honestly just don't get it.
Nearly 75% of selling is defining your target audience. But how many network marketers do that?
Ummm.. Probably only three percent will ever take the time to define their greatest potential partners.
It's funny how only three percent succeed. I wonder how those two numbers work together..?
First off, whoever told you network marketing is not about selling flat out told you a big ol' juicy lie. Business IS selling.
People in this world make money by selling a product.
Everything is selling. A lawyer sells himself (not in a bad way), and tries to show that he is the best lawyer, so that more people will pick him to be their lawyer.
A pastor sells Jesus.
A car salesman sells cars. (obviously )
Every business out there is run by selling. It's really that simple. If you don't sell product, you don't bring home paychecks.
Even online you are selling. When you have a PPC ad on Google, you are selling that click. Then when they arrive at that lead capture page, you are selling your information in return for a name and email address. They then go to your salespage where you are selling them your good. And last but not least, you finally talk to that person on the phone and sell them the idea of fame and fortune that only YOU can bring them.
That is network marketing in a nutshell. If you take the marketing out of network marketing, you are left with networking, and since when does a person get paid for networking (not including actors/actresses).
Now that I've "sold" you on the idea of the importance of selling, you have to learn how to sell.
If you can't sell, get out and get out now. You can listen to these so-called "gurus" all you want. But if you can't sell right now you really have two choices: Learn how to sell, or get out quick.
How does this all relate to your mlm network marketing lead?
Well it's simple really. You need to define your target audience: who your best business partner would be.
Think about it like a business owner. If you are running a "real" business, would you want to hire Aunt Bertha, your 8 year old kid brother, and that stinky dude underneath the bridge?
Would you want to hire the person that can actually do the job, and do the job better than anybody else out there?
That's who you are looking for! You're not looking for your next mlm network marketing lead to be closest family (who knows how long that will last, as long as you keep pitching them).
You are looking for the people that are going to make YOU the most money, and if they have no desire to be in network marketing right now, they never will. You can't put a dream in a non-dreamer.
Go after the people that are already buying what you are selling. Go after the people that actually WANT to be in your business. Go after the people that are going to get YOU the biggest paycheck.
How do you do that you might ask?
It's simple online marketing.
Never before in the history of network marketing has a person been given the chance that you have right now.
You see nearly one million people search google every single day for work at home jobs.
Nearly fifty thousand NEW people get online every single month looking for a chance to do what you are doing.
They are the people that are going to make you money. Right now what you need to do is define your target audience, and target them!
There is not another job in the planet that allows you to actually pick exactly who you want to work with each and every single day. Why should we waste it?
Why exactly should we settle for some bum that is actually looking for a J-O-B when we have a whole online universe just covered with people that want to make people like you and me rich as can be.
Define who would be best for your business, market to that person, and have a whole lot of fun doing it.
We only have one chance at this little thing called life.
Don't waste it doing what you don't like with the people that you don't like.
This is just a little bit of a Landon Stewart rant. I apologize for that, but I am getting sick and tired of people begging their 8 year old kid brother to be their business partner, and I am sure that you feel the same.
So let's go out and do it.
Let's drop little Tommy off at school, and let's start bringing home paychecks.
The simplest way to do that is through the Google search engine.
Like I said a little bit ago there are literally thousands upon thousands of people that search the various search engines every single day looking for exactly what you offer. Why should they not be going to your website?
Let's make something happen here. Massive action equals massive results.
If you do something wrong, so what!
It is better to make a mistake than to not do anything at all.
The way I see it there are three kinds of people that make up this world.
There are the people that make things happen.
There are the people that watch things happen.
And there are the people that say "hey what just happened".
Which one are you?
Go out and get what you're worth.
It might be more than you think.
by: Landon Stewartt
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