An Effective Search Optimization Strategy
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Need for link wheel strategy:
In this age where consumers are increasingly looking towards internet for satisfying most of their product needs, it becomes of paramount importance that the website which contains the information about products you sell is within the consumer's reach. After coming in terms with this fact have a look at some contrasting but true facts.
A startling 65-75% of Internet searches never bother to look beyond the first page of the results! Imagine what impact this information will have when you are making your website to market your products online. If your website doesn't appear on the first page of search results for specific keywords related to your business or products, then the majority of the incoming traffic looking for products like the ones you sell will be directed somewhere else, in practical terms lost.
Since everyone today understands the importance of traffic, which some claim to be the backbone of a website, the million dollar question is what to do to get to your website appearing in the top few names of the searches in the search engines.
Here is where the buzz word come in called SEO's which stand for search engine optimization strategies. While there are scores of strategies doing the rounds and the measure of their effectiveness yet not established, it is always safer to go with the ones which have provided optimal results. One such strategy is the link wheel strategy. The sole purpose of this strategy is to increase the rankings of the website by building a wheel around them.
Let's now understand what a link wheel actually is.
What is a Link Wheel?
In simple terms, a link wheel is a series of web properties that link directly to the desired website as well as interlinking to one another. For example, website X has a link to website Y as well as to your website. Website Y then links to Website Z and also back to your website as well. The last website in the wheel points back to Website X (and to your website). By using this strategy, you are not only building links directly to your website, but also to each of the other properties.
Link wheel strategy is an improvisation over reciprocal, two-way and multi-way linking. In fact it can be considered as an advanced version of multi-way linking.
In practice a link wheel is a set of six web 2.0 properties interlinked in a wheel structure, all promoting a page on the web which lies at the heart of the wheel.
So in this structure we have six properties around the core with each having a distinct link to the core.
There are a lot of ways to accomplish what has been described above. The core could be any webpage that is required to be promoted; we could further enhance the structure by building a wheel around each of its properties i.e. nesting of link wheels can be done to gain greater efficiency.
For the link wheel strategy to be efficient all the websites/web 2.0 properties involved in the Link Wheel need to have a page rank equal to or greater than 5, as only then it will result in they being able to push up the required keyword or the key phrase in search engines which may be a webpage or again a web 2.0 property. As the number of links that point to the main website increases, the number of times the keyword gets caught by the search engine also increases and this in turn results in helping to increase the page rank of the website.
by: Jamie Hanson
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