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All About Sedation Dentistry

Have you always been afraid of dental procedures and find the idea of visiting your dentist a nightmare? The answer lies in sedation dentistry

. Sedation dentistry or sleep dentistry have been practiced successfully for over 30 years now. It has been a source of immense relief for patients who were alarmed at the thought of visiting their dentist.

In sedation dentistry, the patient is put on sedatives and then operated upon. This ensures that he neither feels any type of pain or discomfort while the dental procedure is on nor does he have any memory of the whole thing. Orlando sedation dentistry is reputed for providing flawless services where most patients do not even remember anything about the entire procedure. Since the patient is sedated for a long duration, the dentist can accommodate all the dental procedures at one go. In normal dentistry procedures the same treatment might take two or three sessions with the dentist. The best part of sedation dentistry is that you only have pleasant memories of walking into a clinic with a variety of tooth problems and next walking out with all these problems cured. There are no memories of what happened in between or any type of painful operations.

Type of Anesthetics used

Depending on the severity of the ailment, your dentist will determine what type of anesthetic will be used for your treatment. For those with a minor problem, a local anesthetic is injected in the surrounding area before the treatment. Severe dental problems on the other hand require general anesthesia where the patient is unconscious throughout the entire operation. For patients who cannot be put on total anesthesia, morphine is also used to sedate them heavily. Often the dentist requires his patient to be slightly conscious so that he may be able to open or close his mouth while the process is on.

About the procedure

Once your dentist has determined that you require sedation dentistry, he will get started with the process. He is aware of how much anesthetic is required for the procedure and the dosage is dependent on the patients overall health and also his ability to withstand pain. Before starting on the operation, your dentist will tap on the concerned area to determine if the anesthesia is working and whether you are able to feel any sensations. After the procedure is over the patient may still be under the influence of drugs and hence it is recommended that a family member or friend is around to escort him back home.

There are many clinics which offer sedation dentistry. Check out on the internet for a reputed dental clinic that offers this service and get yourself treated today. For more information visit us at

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All About Sedation Dentistry Spalding