A Few Statistics To Make You Think About Visiting Your Dentist
A friend of mine recently went to visit a dentist in London because she was seriously unhappy with the way that her smile looked
. She was certainly far from being alone, because a recent survey carried out suggests that around 80% of us are unhappy with the way our smile looks.
That same survey also suggested that around 50% of us think that the smile is the most important facial feature, and the first one which we notice. Those two statistics together reveal a great deal about why so many more people are looking for a cosmetic dentist to help improve their smile.
But although my friend decided to look for a dentist in London for cosmetic reasons, it is still important for all of us to make sure that we regularly visit our dentist, because often our dentist's can detect problems much sooner than we become aware of them ourselves.
Here is another statistic for you: one person dies every four hours from mouth cancer.
Surprisingly we don't tend to hear very much about mouth cancer, or oral cancer, and yet every day we are surrounded by posters, promotions, events and advertisements raising awareness of the dangers of cervical cancer and testicular cancer. Yet the truth is that more people die each year in the UK from mouth cancer than they do from cervical cancer and testicular cancer combined.
Although traditionally smoking has been linked primarily to mouth cancer, our modern diets are not helping, and it is our modern Western diets which are largely responsible for the fact that mouth cancer is the fastest growing form of cancer found in people under 40.
The problem is that by the time you notice that there is a problem, it may already be too late to do anything about it. But a dentist is able to identify issues very early on, and if you visit your dentist every six months, which is the recommended frequency, then they will be able to provide you with the early warning you will need should there be anything suspicious developing.
Of course if you do suspect that there's a problem, then you should certainly visit your dentist straight away. It may be nothing at all, but it's always better to be safe than sorry. Oral hygiene is important not simply for its own sake, and not simply as a way of spotting oral cancer or mouth cancer early on. Poor oral hygiene has been directly linked to heart disease, and so it will be important to make sure that you take full advantage of the highly sophisticated tools and technologies which the modern dentist is able to use in order to provide you with a first class service.
So whether you are like my friend, and around 80% of the population of the UK, and you're looking to improve your smile by visiting a cosmetic dentist London, or you're looking to visit a dentist in London for a six monthly checkup, remember that visiting a dentist could well save your life.
by: Justin Arnold
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