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Popular Counterfeit Auto parts

Among the auto replacement parts frequently counterfeited are:CamshaftsRocker armsAntifreezeTransmission fluidsBearingsBeltsDistributor capsValvesAlternatorsBrake padsAir conditioner condensersShocks and strutsOxygen sensorsSpark plugs......the list goes on and on and on and on...So, how can you spot a fake auto part? A visual inspection of the product is very important. Look at the part and feel it. If it seems or looks different...more

Are Counterfeit Auto Parts a Problem?

That replacement auto part you are planning to install or have installed on your vehicle may be a counterfeit. Government officials are telling us that the auto parts industry is costing Americans billions of dollars per year. Counterfeit auto parts are plain wrong...unsafe too!Recent concerns about U.S. port control have been focusing on the possibility that American ports will be used as a conduit for terrorists to attack America....more

Body Kits for Trucks

Body lift kits are generally used to lift most trucks, sport utility vehicles and jeeps. Not only that, these products allow you to put bigger tires which you will need to stay off the road. Being much less costly and less complicated to install, these body lifts become famous among many truck enthusiasts. If you want to improve the exterior form and off-road ability of your automobile, these auto parts are a nice pick without spending a lot of money.If you are one the several truck aficionados who want to have a rig that can provide a comfortable and better ride attributes while driving off the road, you need a body lift kit. It is offered in a wide range of brands and configurations to satisfy your specific needs. This product is vital in lifting the body of your ride up off its chassis. Each body lift system has spacers and longer bolts to get the installation done right. All the parts included on each kit are rust resistance for durability and finest dependability. And there are body lift products that will not alter the factory parts of your vehicle, so you can be confident that the original ride characteristic and feature will not be affected. Today's...more

Shopping Online for Auto Parts

Automotive parts can be purchased from part stores or ordered online from automotive part suppliers. Everything a car enthusiasts could possibly need, is now available online. Shopping for auto parts online is an easier and more convenient way for consumers to compare prices and features from an array of different retailers at one...more

Find Quality Auto Parts

The knock off auto part may look like the original and might fit on your vehicle but don't confuse fit with function. How can you tell if it is going to perform like the original? Can you look at the ingredients on the side of the box and compare it to the national brand? The answer is simply NO!For driving safety you really need to...more

Do Your Auto Parts Meet Government Guidelines?

Of the tens of thousands of components used to assemble the average car, less than a handful of those components have government-imposed safety regulations. Brakes pads the most frequently used, worn and replaced item on a vehicle have no regulation on performance or safety. If that bottle of generic dandruff shampoo does not work effectively, you see white flakes on your black sweater. But if the brake pads from that white box don't stop your car...Just about every category of auto parts has been knocked off by low-cost, inferior products. The great motivator for this trend is lower price. As consumers look for lower prices and shop for the best deal, repair shops and parts stores are forced to stock cheaper parts. Competition is intense and consumers let their fingers do the walking either on the Internet or on the phone to determine the low price leader.Your independent car care center is your best choice when it comes to repairs but, having them install the cheapest part may not be the best buy in the long run. Ask the technician or shop owner about the auto parts he installs and be sure to ask for a quality branded part when you need a replacement. Your family's...more

Discuss The Benefits Of Cheap Auto Insurance

If you are a vehicle owner in Canada, you must be aware of the fact that every driver must obtain at least the state required auto insurance coverage to continue enjoying the privilege. However, the biggest worry for the drivers has been the ever...more

Finding MD Auto Insurance When Relocating

Moving to a new state can entail quite a change in the way we live our daily lives, and protect our family and assets. Obtaining the proper coverage for MD auto insurance is just one more step in becoming settled in to your new...more

Affordable Car Insurance-before You Buy A Car Consider These Factors That Jack Up Rates

Your vehicle choice is a big factor in finding affordable car insurance rates. Face it, some car and truck models are prime candidates for car theft. If you own a Cadillac Escalade, a Pathfinder Armada, or a Hummer, the cheapest option may not be as...more

Car Rental in Delhi –Find the Best Deal

Car rental service is gaining popularity due to high tourism potential of Delhi. Delhi is one of the preferred tourist destinations. It is one of the most visited cities in India. 80% of total foreign tourist visit Delhi first and...more

The Manufacturing Process For Laminated Auto Glass

Laminated Glass autoclave is used in a variety of industries throughout the world. But the one industry that has benefited the most is the automobile industry. The multi-layered glass is one of an automobiles primary safety devices. It...more

Exploring Auto Condensers

The auto condenser system is the heart of the air conditioning system of a car. Typical air-conditioning systems are made up of a compressor, evaporator, receiver, expansion, and yes, the auto condenser.These components work hand in hand to...more
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