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How Fertility Is Affected by Rest and Sleep by:James Pendergraft

Fertility is a very important aspect of human life. This is because fertility is directly correlated to the ability to give life. As such, it is no assurance that couples copulate in order to conceive. Fertility is also very important because even if frequent copulation is practiced, there is still the possibility that a woman may not conceive due to low fertility rate. On the other hand, it is fertility that makes the life of any couple complete...more

Top Ten Internet Shops For Diamond Earrings And Studs by:John M Bland

If you have enough time you can visit hundreds of shops, on and off the Internet, searching for diamond earrings and studs. I didn’t keep count of all the ones I researched for this article but it was certainly in the high dozens.One thing I found as I researched was that the buyer must beware and use due diligence in choosing a merchant. It is up to the buyer to make sure that he is getting a suitable grading and clarity...more

Hyperthyroidism in Women by:James Pendergraft

Hyperthyroidism refers to a situation wherein the thyroid gland has an overactive tissue that results in overproduction. This overproduction leads to an excess number of circulating free thyroid hormones. Because the thyroid hormone affects nearly all body cells, the result is that vital functions of the body also overdo their regular functioning. One of the immediate impacts of hyperthyroidism is an increased heart beat rate, palpitations, ands sweating. Another impact is that it may overstimulate metabolism. In general, hyperthyroidism is more common in women than in men, and is especially common in women ages 20 to 40. Causes of Hyperthyroidism The following are the most common causes of hyperthyroidism: * Inflammation of the thyroid* Oral consumption of thyroid hormone tablets* Malfunctioning or deficiencies in the immune system* Hyperthyroidism may also happen when the body has taken a substance or is producing a substance that causes the thyroid gland to make more hormones than needed by the body.* Due to tumor in the thyroidSymptoms of Hyperthyroidism One of the most common symptom of hyperthyroidism is unexplained weight loss. The weight loss is often accompanied by loss of...more

Expressing Milk: Everything You Wanted to Know by:James Pendergraft

Breast milk is the first food that babies take in after birth. The milk is nutritious enough to allow a baby to grow and survive taking nothing else but breast milk alone. Also, breastfeeding is one of the moments wherein a mother can show true maternal love. Some experts say that a child who was breastfed develops a closer bond with her mother...more

Breast Discharge: Why It Happens by:James Pendergraft

For a breastfeeding woman, breast discharge should come in no other form than milk. However, for women who are not breastfeeding, any discharges from the breast is a cause for alarm. The discharges may happen while asleep or at any time of the day. Fortunately, despite the concern that women may associate with the problem, what is fortunate is that...more

Addressing Your Breast Health Concerns by:James Pendergraft

Breast health is a very important aspect of a women's health. This is because there are many risk factors that affect the breasts, most of which may result in serious conditions such as breast cancer. In some instances, a woman may not be even aware of having some form of breast disease until it is already advanced and too little can be possibly done. This is why it is important to seek medical attention even at the slightest of changes that a woman may notice on her breasts. Perhaps one of the greatest ironies that include women's health is the fact that the breasts—the very part of their body that is vital to nourish life—is the same organ that can be easily affected with several forms of diseases that can have fatal results. This is an unusual twist of nature that the means to nourish life is also the same organ that can take life away. Moreover, what is more alarming is the fact that diseases affecting the breasts suddenly appears and in another sense of cruelty, they show symptoms only when it has become rather too late to counter them. What Are the Common Signs of Breast Problems? In most breast diseases, such as breast cancer, symptoms appear only in the last...more

A Guide to Better Bone Health for Women by:James Pendergraft

Bone health is one of the most important aspects of a women's health. This is due to the fact that ignoring bone health may result in a lot of diseases and injuries, the most dreaded of which is osteoporosis. Although a lot has been said about...more

The Fibrocystic Breast by:James Pendergraft

Fibrocystic breast condition refers to a situation wherein a woman's breasts have lumps that are non-cancerous. These lumps can cause a great deal of discomfort and other problems. The situation commonly comes about as a result of hormonal...more

Menopause and Bone Loss by:James Pendergraft

Menopause is one of the most challenging episodes in the life of a woman. The stage brings with it certain bodily changes such as the cessation of a female's ability to conceive. Psychologically, menopause also poses quite a challenge for a...more

Key Nutrients for Healthy Bones in Women by:James Pendergraft

For women, eating should not be just a matter of course. It goes beyond that because of the unique health requirements of women. For better bone health, women should obtain foods not just for their taste, but also for the nutrients they contain to...more

Inflammatory Breast Cancer by:James Pendergraft

It is critical for women to make sure that they are always in good health. However, there are plenty of potential problems that lurk in the background that can victimize women anytime. One of the most dreaded diseases that is a threat to women is...more

Hypothyroidism and Menopause by:James Pendergraft

Menopause is regarded by most women as the most challenging episode in their lives. This is because menopause can cause a great deal of bodily changes as well as psychological ones. In any case, menopause poses a lot of problems, most of which is due...more
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