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A Small Change That Makes A Big Difference

A Small Change That Makes A Big Difference

Imagine if you could do something really small that could make a difference to not

only the environment but also to your pocketbook? Well there is something that you can do that will not only save you money but help to conserve energy and preserve natural resources. By purchasing long life light bulbs you save time and money whilst doing your part to save the environment.

Traditional bulbs were once considered to have a long life; however with advances in technology new long life light bulbs have a dramatically increased the amount of time before replacement is required when compared with the earlier versions. It is expected that some energy saving light bulbs will last in excess of seven years. When you compare that with how many traditional bulbs you would have had to purchase over that seven years, the cost of newer models is definitely cheaper. Although the initial cost of the long life light bulbs is slightly higher than traditional ones, in the long run traditional bulbs end up being a much more expensive option.

Energy saving bulbs use approximately one-tenth of the power that a traditional bulb would use making them much more environmentally friendly by helping to conserve energy. The long life light bulbs also give off less radiant heat. Radiant heat is the type of energy carried by light, by creating less radiant heat the bulb proves to be using less energy than a traditional bulb. The excess power used by a traditional bulb could light approximately nine energy bulbs so the cost savings are very apparent when you look at how many energy saving lights you would need to purchase in comparison. By using a lower watt bulb you can even further reduce your energy consumption which will give you a better cost saving in your electricity bill.

Long life light bulbs do not need to be changed often leaving you free to get on with your life without having to change bulbs on a regular basis. As the bulbs come in so many designs and shapes, they are easy for us to incorporate into homes. Once installed you need not worry about replacement as you should not have to attend to them for years. So as you can see, long life light bulbs can also be very convenient. Energy saving bulbs provide the same amount of light as traditional bulbs and therefore you are not giving up any lighting effect in the room you choose to use them in.

By using energy saving bulbs you also reduce to amount of rubbish you produce as you are not throwing away as many bulbs as you normally would have. This will help reduces landfill which creates another positive effect on the environment. There are many reasons to consider changing over to long life light bulbs. So if you want to make one small change that will make a huge difference to your energy bill and the environment, purchase long life light bulbs for every room in your house.

by: Andy Ball
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A Small Change That Makes A Big Difference