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How To Run Top Home Based Businesses Outside The Home

How To Run Top Home Based Businesses Outside The Home

Top home based businesses now are not restricted to actually being in the home thanks to new technology

. By purchasing some of the newer devices that are available on the market, owners can now take their business with them where ever they go, thus giving them greater freedom whilst not losing precious productivity time.

No matter what event is happening you do not have to feel left out, nor do you have to miss out on special family or friends events. You can take that long wished for holiday too. If you get invited out for lunch or out for a cup of coffee you can happily accept. You don't have to feel restricted and isolated nor do you have to worry about missing that important call or email or losing valuable productivity time that you will need to try to catch up on by, say, getting less sleep.

Remember that you are your own boss and this is why you have your own home business, otherwise you are going to be back in those bad old days when you were working for a boss.

There are various devices that are great business tools which will also allow you to take advantage of various times such as being in waiting rooms, traveling in public transport, waiting for the children while they are doing their various activities, visiting the elderly in nursing homes, all of which are important and have to be done but they have a huge impact on your productivity thus creating more pressure and stress.

These devices range from mobile phones which have all sorts of applications on them including internet access, cameras, emails , contacts, calendars and GPS right through to smaller laptop type devices that have the same as the phones but give you a bigger screen and keyboard to work with plus many great productivity (and play) applications and are, in fact, just a mini laptop devices. If you find that you want to be more productive but find that taking the laptop is too restrictive in size and weight, plus your data is far too valuable to be taking everywhere with you day in and day out then this might be the ideal solution for you.

So to find your perfect solution, the first thing you should do is to work out a list of the tasks that are important for you to be able to operate your business away from your home office such as phone calls, emails, working on various documents, internet browsing, your schedule and contacts. Then, work out how much storage space on these you will need and always allow for extra growth, in other words, look to the future and not the present as you do not want to pay for something now only to find out in a short space of time that it cannot cope and then you will have to outlay more money to either upgrade it or get a totally new device.

Next list the equipment you are currently using by writing down their brand names, the operating system, the software and other hardware. This information is important to because you want to ensure that you choose a device that will communicate with your current equipment plus you will want to be able to do this as easily as possible. For example if you want to do word processing ensure that the documents you create can be transferred easily between the mobile device and your main equipment.

By doing the above couple of steps you may discover that you may not even need to pay for complete devices as your current laptop will do everything for you and that all you need to get is a mobile internet connection. These are readily available plus there are internet cafes and WiFi hotspots appearing everywhere.

Now that you are armed with your information, you can then visit various electronic stores or go online and compare devices, plans and prices and getting them as your budget allows. Several devices can do the same thing but in a different way, so to save money look at those which will handle several of the tasks you need.

You now will have a short list of devices that you wish to purchase, so the next step is to list them in the order that you would like to or able to purchase them, and do not forget to check with your financial advisor as you may be able to claim them as business expenses.

The final task is to get your devices, get mobile and have a wonderfully productive freedom filled life!

by: Annette Cole
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How To Run Top Home Based Businesses Outside The Home New York City