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How To Approach A Woman - Don't Do This The Wrong Way!

When it comes to approaching a woman, most guys will go about it the WRONG way. They will do the things they have been taught to do, or they will go with the advice of a couple of friends, and in the end, they do not end up doing anything at all to make a woman interested in them. If you want to be able to approach a woman and attract her, there are a few things that you MUST avoid like the plague. And there are a few things that work so easily,...more

Singles Dating Can Be Hard But It Doesnt Have To Be: Advice & Tips

Believe it or not, dating doesn't have to be a losing battle. Not every date can be a winner, but with a good attitude and a few aces up your sleeve, finding a promising date has never been easier. No matter what you're looking for in a potential partner, there's a number of different ways to find that special someone you've been missing.The most important tip for anyone looking to date is keep an open mind. First impressions...more

How To Use Twitter For Dating

Dating on Twitter is one of the newest trends to appear in the social networking universe. While it is an attractive concept to many, there are certain rules which should be followed to guarantee both your safety and your success.One of the primary Twitter dating applications is Radaroo which is creating love matches in 140 characters or less. The same as other dating sites, you create a profile on Radaroo using a brief formula. Radaroo helps you get to know one another by connecting you on social media sites such as Twitter. The information that is placed in the profile is also sent to your Twitter followers in the event one of your followers may be interested. This is the main reason why you need to take the conservative approach with Twitter Dating.Twitter Dating Rules* Use Direct Messaging: If you want to have a private conversation with your love interest, it would be best to use direct messaging so that the whole world cannot see your messages.* Tweet Nothings: If you are going to send your love interest tweet nothings use discretion with what you say because your Twitter stream is available for the world to see.* Build Your Network Slowly: Although you may be anxious...more

Dating Disaster Stories - 3 Ways To Guarantee Your Own

This fall MTV offers up another helping of reality TV with the show Disaster Date. The gist is that people who were setup on blind dates that turned out to be nightmares can now get revenge by setting their single friend up with a blind date who in reality is an actor. Needless to say their job is to make the single friend's life horrific or...more

First Impressions Count Tips For Online Dating Profiles.

Looking to sign up to online dating? It's your online profile that show cases your appealing qualities.Firstly, your profile will be more effective and likely to get a response if you use a photo (see our article Finding the right photo for your profile). The value of adding a photo to your post cannot be underestimated.Once you've got...more

Ways That Fail To Attract Women

Sometimes it seems like there are more ways to fail to attract a woman then there are to actually make a woman fall for you. And many times, the advice that is given out on how to attract women will do more harm than good. As a man, you no doubt want to feel like you are able to create that little spark that sets women off. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. A lot of men fail to attract a woman, and there are many reasons for this.Here are some common ways to fail to attract a woman:1. Resort to using a cheesy line in a bar. This is that classic mistake and it's amazing that men still try to use this tactic anymore. And even more amazing are the many "experts" that claim to possess the holy grail of pick up lines. Look, a line is a line and nothing more. And women are more in tune with being able to spot a guy that is trying to use these lines to pick her up. And what to do they do? They shut the guy down and move on somewhere else.2. Searching out ways to manipulate women. Look, if you have to try to manipulate women to get some action, that says a LOT about what it is wrong with you. Not only is this not going to work out, but you can get in serious trouble for...more

Why Nice Guys Lose In Dating And Relationships

It's no secret that it can seem like a nice guy is always destined to get run over and trampled with women when it comes to dating and relationships. These are the guys that end up holding her purse while she spends his money in the mall and...more

Flirting With Women - What To Do To Trigger Her Attraction For You

As men, we usually have on goal when it comes to flirting with women. We want to be able to create that spark and energy that makes a woman really find herself wanting us. While this can be a simple desire to have, it's not always as easy to DO...more

Online Dating - The New Match Maker

Dating online has become the new matchmaker. Its new, it's hot and it often gives you what you want, be it a life partner, a great companion or simply a fun relationship with no strings attached.Online dating gives singles, couples or even...more

Introduction To International Dating

Nowadays, new technologies and services have made it easier than ever for two consenting adults to make a meaningful romantic connection across geographic boundaries. As a 21'st century man YOU more then any other men in the past, literally have...more

Introduction Dating Starts With Finding The Right Potential Single

Dating is a mix of craft and science. It is rather difficult to simulate in a controlled environment and is one of the steps that no type of understanding can successfully assist you figure it out. Presently, no one has exactly figured...more

Over Weight Dating - You Can Still Be You

If you want to be successful in over weight dating, you have to be truthful. This means not hiding behind your old high school pictures when wanting to make an impression. When individuals try over weight dating online, this is what...more
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