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Is The Spark In Your Marriage Gone? Have An Affair!

Do you find yourself stuck in a marriage that has lost its luster? Do you find yourself wondering what ever happened to the passion and intimacy that was part of the relationship when you first started dating your significant other? Believe it or not, theres a very unconventional way to re-ignite that spark and save your marriage, but it goes against everything conventional wisdom and marriage counselors would ever tell you. If you want to...more

Overcoming Your Relationship And Dating Worries

Experiencing the magic of chemistry is one of life's true free blessings. Sadly, some of us never have this ultimate success. Failing is one thing, but giving up is admitting defeat. To succeed you need to first conquer your fears.* Stop trying so hardMurphy's Law would have it that when we are in a relationship we seem to attract romantic interest without trying. Being in a healthy romantic union gives us a sense of confidence and we...more

Is Free Dating Service Not For Introverts?

Many of us think that free dating service is just for extroverts but this is not at all true. It is actually a very big misconception. In reality, it is the introvert who benefits more out of internet dating. The good news is that you don’t have to pay any price for being shy and reserved. Finding a date was not as simple as free dating service has made it. Breaking The Ice Was Never So Easy Not everybody has the courage and the tact to establish that first contact. It’s really challenging for an introvert to go up to a stranger and say “hello”. With internet dating, you can do away with the problem of initial introduction. It’s far easier to find an online partner and take your own time to understand him/her. Regular chatting and emails through a free dating service help you to open up at your own pace. You can gradually share your feelings with your partner. Moreover, when both of you start feeling comfortable with each other, you can plan to meet. It will be easy as both of you are not strangers to each other. Less Chances Of A Heartbreak Online dating is physical dating turned upside down. In physical dating, you first meet the person and then...more

7 Reasons Why You Are Not Attracting Beautiful Women

Fellas, let's admit it. If we could have our way, we would be able to attract just about ANY woman that we wanted to. And of course, we wouldn't be going after the ugly Betty types. No, not at all. Like it or not, as men, we want to be with BEAUTIFUL women. Women with sexy curves and pretty faces.Yet, for most guys, this seems to be an...more

The Best Way To Remember When You Said I Do

Getting married is one of the biggest events of a person's life - unless, of course, you happen to be Elizabeth Taylor. But even with the much-married Ms Taylor, each wedding has been a time for intense celebration, worthy of being documented. However much you try, a write-up can only capture so much of the feel of a wedding. The radiance of...more

How To Create Attraction With A Woman - 3 Tips For You

For most guys, being able to create attraction with women is like learning a foreign language. The ability to create attraction with women is not something that a man is born with. This is a skill that you have to develop over time and for most guys this will include lots of trail and error. Actually, usually more error than anything else. But, if you want to be able to make a woman want you, then you have to know how to create sexual attraction with her. Otherwise, you are doomed to be seen as just a friend and maybe even less.This is not what you want to happen. You want to be able to get the girl, make her fall for you, and know that you are the kind of guy that is successful with women. Will this really happen for YOU?There is no way to know this for sure, but here are a couple of tips to help you out.1. Be assertive with a woman. Now, being assertive is NOT the same as dominating a woman. If you try and dominate a woman, I would have to question you as a man, and this will just repel most stable women away from you anyway.2. Have fun with women. A lot of men seem to forget that dating women is supposed to be fun and they lose this part of themselves when they are out on a date...more

What A Wedding Photographer Is Worth - Judge By The Awards Won

Looking for a wedding photographer can be a tedious task, especially if you do not have a shortlist handed over by family and friends. Luckily, there is an easy way to bypass the long and tedious search through local photographers' listings....more

Ways To Attract Single Women

When you are a single man, one of the most important aspects of your life is your success with women. After all, what's a better way to end a hard day at work than to go out with a beautiful woman on your arms? Yet, for many guys, this seems as...more

Can You Become The Kind Of Man That Attracts Women With Ease?

For most guys that are reading this article, attracting women is FAR from easy. And that's okay to feel this way. After all, most men are not exactly born to be the next Don Juan or Romeo, are they? However, the art of attracting women is not a...more

Dating Advice For Single Men - What Not To Do

When it comes to dating advice for single men, it seems like there are a HUGE amount of people that claim to be experts in this category. Some are legit and others are nothing more than marketers who just happen to want to make money in this market....more

How To Make A Woman Desire You

When it comes to dating and relationships, it seems as if most men are really on their own. Knowing how to attract a woman and make her desire you is not exactly one of those lessons that you will get taught. Instead, you are often left to figure...more

How To Attract Women - Is It Your Personality?

The idea of being able to attract women is a foreign concept for most guys. Sure, they want to learn how to attract women, they just don't know what it is that seems to be escaping them. When it comes to attracting a woman, you may wonder...more
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