Starting Your At-home Business

Share: The first step to having your own business and being your own boss is always to do the research first
. Do not quit your primary job without a set plan on what you are going to do and how you are going to do it.
In fact, the smartest thing to do would be to keep your old job until you get your feet wet and are sure that working from home and being your own boss is really what you want to do. It would be a shame to quit your job, diving head first into something you only know a little bit about, only to find out you were more comfortable with your old job.
While doing your research, find a parent company that will support you in your efforts to work at home. Even though you're your own boss in the sense that you determine your hours and your salary is a direct result of the work you do, you still have to answer to someone.
That someone is the company whose products you are selling to the public. They allow you to work at home and choose for yourself how many hours you put in, and they will pay you based on the amount of products you sell.
Be careful, because there are many companies out there who are pretending to be something they are not. For instance, you should never have to pay a company to work for them, if a company tells you you have to pay to get "set-up" in the company, they are probably scammers who will take your money and you will never get any in return.
So if you do the research, find a credible parent company, get yourself started, and realize that yes, working from home is exactly the change you need; then leave your job if it is holding you back from reaching your goals in life.
After you get yourself set-up and ready to work from home, be sure you make the time to actually work. Although at-home workers are advertised as always going on vacation and lounging by their pool in the backyard of their lavish home, the fact of the matter is that you won't get that luxury until a lot of hard-work is put in first.
You are starting from the ground up, so you don't have any customers, clients, or contacts---you need to get a lot of those to be successful. This means you need to make the time to make endless phone calls, send thousands of emails, try to market on the internet, television, radio, and anywhere else you can.
This is all hard work; it takes a lot of effort and even more time, and if you want to be successful at home you have to make sure everything gets done faster and better than the other thousands of at-home sales-people. This can be extremely stressful and overwhelming, but if you are able to establish a large, loyal client-base, you won't have to work as hard later because you already have a lot of customers and they can refer people to you so you so you don't have to find them yourself.
Even though your pay is potentially unlimited, you must know that some months in the year will have slower sales than others. You could be making up to $20,000 one month and the next month only make $2,000. It all depends on your sales ability, how the economy is doing, if your product is relevant, and if your customers are responsive.
All of these factors need to be accounted for, and you have to be smart with your money because of it. Don't spend your money like you will make over $10,000 every month because you won't, and spending like that will send you into bankruptcy very quickly, and you will soon have nothing to show for your hard work.
And the last thing to remember: don't expect to get rich without the work. It is a fantasy that you can make it big without any effort on your part--even heirs and heiresses have to do something to sustain their family fortune when it is passed down to them.
That is why we see irresponsible millionaires go bankrupt because they did not know how to manage their money, and smart millionaires make many millions more because they do know how to manage the money.
by: Tom Selwick
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