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Protecting Personal And Home Security In A Texas Heat Wave

Protecting Personal And Home Security In A Texas Heat Wave

Summers in Texas are some of the most brutal in the nation

. Few northerners could understand the power of mid-July Texas heat, and the challenges it poses to both your physical and mental wellbeing!

That is why it is so crucially important to take care of your personal and home security in these draining summer months. Without taking special precautions, you can find yourself experiencing health problems and committing fateful lapses in home security only after it is too late. Here are some tips on how to make sure that you are keeping you and your family safe.

1. Whatever you do, stay hydrated.

Dehydration is one of the most common problems in summer. Often, people keep on drinking liquids at winter or spring levels, forgetting or failing to notice that its 98 degrees outside! This can lead to a number of symptoms, including weakness, fainting, and even death if it is serious enough! That is why it is important to drink lots of liquids, even if you are in cool, air-conditioned weather (you can store them up for later like a camel!). Just try to stay away from sugary, sweetened drinks like artificial fruit juices and soda these will make you more dehydrated than before. But while it is generally advisable to avoid super salty foods, a little salt is actually good for you because it helps you absorb and retain liquids (this is why some people complain of salty foods making them feel bloated).

2. Wear layers.

This might seem like the opposite advice that you would receive in summer. Usually you want to wear layers to protect against the cold in winter! But layering can be a good technique to help deal with temperature fluctuations in the summer. Say it is in the mid 70s when you leave the house you might want to wear a t-shirt or a light jacket. But by the end of the day when it is in the high 90s, you will be wishing you could peel off that t-shirt and be in a tank top!

3. Make sure to keep your doors locked.

With all of the coming and going you will be doing as you start to enjoy the warm weather, you might become more lax about keeping your front and back doors locked. Do not do this this is a major threat to your home security. You will be inviting everyone from opportunistic teenage pranksters in your El Paso neighborhood to serious criminals to enter your home without your consent. It takes 30 seconds to lock your door at most before you leave the house and it will make all the difference in maintaining your home security.

4. Talk to your kids about neighborhood safety.

Summer is a time when kids go out to play more than usual. Even if you live in the quietest neighborhood in El Paso and your children are incredibly well-behaved, they are still at risk of things like running into the street after a ball or other small misdeeds that can result in tragedy. Set up some rules and maintain them.

by: Adam Hampton
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Protecting Personal And Home Security In A Texas Heat Wave