Instant Text Loans - Instant Cash without Any Efforts
Are you tired of waiting for your next payday to meet your needs
? You must be all fed-up with the extent of unexpected emergencies surrounding you. Do not worry any long as instant text loans are providing you instant funds. You can now fund your fiscal in capabilities. These advances do not involve any credit checks. However, even bad credit holders can apply for them.
You can borrow funds up to 100 for a period of 1- 7 days. They carry a high rate of interest as they are short term loans. On the due date your account is debited by the lender to recover the amount of the funds you have borrowed. If you cannot repay the funds borrowed by the due date then you can also extend the period. You must give the lender prior notice about it. You will have to pay an additional fee every tome you extend the period.
The application procedure is very simple:
Firstly you need to register your mobile number with the lending institute.
You have to then fill the application form giving all the correct information.
The lending institute will then send you a confirmation email which will include your PIN number and the terms and conditions of the deal.
However next time you need a loan you just have to send a text to the lending institute. This message must include the amount and the repayment period.
In order to be eligible; you should be a citizen of UK, you must be above 18 years of age, you must be employed with a fixed income, you should posses a valid bank account, you must have a mobile phone and an email address to communicate with the lending institute.
You can also avail the benefits of these advances through the online mode. All you have to do is fill the online application form. The data submitted must be true. This mode is convenient.
Instant Text Loans - Instant Cash without Any Efforts