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subject: SoCal Companies Benefit From New Green Tax Incentives [print this page]

Author: Wayne Hemrick

Do you own and operate a business in the Los Angeles Basin? If so, were you aware of the new green tax incentives that can help to improve your company's bottom line?

By reducing energy consumption at work, your company may be eligible for a number of green tax credits from both Sacramento and Washington D.C. In addition to these money-saving eco-credits, your company may be eligible for addition tax breaks if it is located in one of forty-two "Enterprise Zones" communities that have been identified by the State of California as being economically disadvantaged. These of course are in addition to any green tax incentives for which your business may qualify.

Green energy tax incentives cover a wide variety of issues and actions that can be used by the private sector to help promote a cleaner environment while contributing to economic growth. These green tax credits may include the purchase or lease of hybrid, electric or flex-fuel vehicles as well as things such as solar panels and wind generators. Such eco credits

can also cover the purchase of computer hardware or software used to control energy usage when it comes to lighting and HVAC systems as well as eco-friendly building materials and insulation.

In fact, such green tax incentives can be used to offset up to nine percent of the cost of such equipment and technology when used within specified Enterprise Zones (keep in mind that many such green tax credits can be used only within such zones, so be sure to consult with a qualified CPA).

In an era during which many American workers and the general public are becoming increasingly hostile and suspicious of big corporations (and rightly so), it will behoove your business to publicly demonstrate its commitment to the good of the community by hiring local people who might not otherwise have a job while making a good-faith effort to promote a clean and healthy environment. This is what green tax incentives have been designed for. Even if yours is a small-to-medium sized business, demonstrating a sense of corporate responsibility and commitment to social, economic and environmental justice will serve not only your public image, but your profit margin as well in the form of green energy tax incentives and eco credits.

There is nothing at all wrong with enlightened self-interest, especially when it comes to your livelihood. Green tax credits can benefit your company for conferring benefits upon the community that supports your efforts; contact a qualified SoCal CPA today to find out how green tax incentives can help your business and the social good.About the Author:

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green tax incentives.
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