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The Art Of Web Design

The subtle art of creating a web site may seem simple and revolving purely around the knowhow and technical skills. You may believe that you could create a compelling site if you knew how, but the truth is... its a little more complicated than that. This article explores some of the aspects of good web design.

A good web designer keeps a host of other considerations in mind when designing a site. Some of these defy what might seem like common sense but they are the marks of a good web designer.

A Simple Layout ensures that the text simply rolls from the top to the bottom without forcing the reader to move their eyes everywhere. Doing so also ensures that the content is easy to find instead of having to be found. In the past many web designers tried to go for overly complicated sites that could cause key information to be missed by the viewer.

Centred axis is another aspect which focuses on the tendency for content to be aligned to the middle of the page whereas in the past websites might have been left aligned. Liquid or full length layouts which encompass the entire screen are also less popular than they were in the past. The conventional thinking emphasised having more of the site display at once was better than forcing users to scroll. But this thinking has been largely ignored in more recent times or proved itself false as visitors were found to be willing to scroll.

What are some of the benefits of centre aligning? Well for starters the content takes the centre stage and is highlighted. This also brings out a common pitfall that many web designers snag in that they try to make a site as visually attractive as possible. In reality they should be creating a canvass on which to lay the text, as at the end of the day, a site is all about its content.

Other benefits include preventing line length from becoming too long at higher resolutions. This is important as longer lines are harder to read as the eye has to scroll across whereas if text is tightly aligned the eye can move through paragraphs easily.

Another aspect of good web design is that 3D effects should be used sparingly. Examples of such practice include subtle shading effects to add visual depth to a logo or the site itself. The latter can also give a feeling of greater space further increasing the appeal of a site.

Colour is yet another important aspect of web design that is sometimes misused. While some may believe that an overdose of colour will help attract users, this couldnt be farther from the truth. In reality a splashing of colour will reduce its effectiveness as too much colour will make the entire site appear uniform.

Good web designers use colour in moderation and use it to great effect. Soft backgrounds (white and grey fades are popular) allow for text to stand out while certain elements can be highlighted with a dash of colour.

Graphics can also make a site more interesting but once again the mantra is that they have to be used sparingly. Text size is yet another element that can be used to highlight more important parts of the content.

So remember that while many may think they have the right approach to creating a site, there are actually many aspects to be considered that may defy common sense thinking.

These principles are all strictly adhered to by most reputed web design firms such as CN Global Australia. This Sydney web design firm also offers an array of other services including web development, software development and more.

by: Charuka Abhayawickrama

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