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subject: Coolest Dinosaurs (Too Bad You Can't Put them In a Large Bird Cage) Pt. 2 [print this page]

Coolest Dinosaurs (Too Bad You Can't Put them In a Large Bird Cage) Pt. 2

Author: Kasan Groupe

Dinosaurs are strange, mysterious and just downright cool. There are so many cool looking dinosaurs with huge jaws, crazy spinal spikes and tail clubs that it is astounding to think that one day they roamed our very planet. Check out this list of some of the oddest and coolest Dinosaurs that once walked out earth. Some say Dinosaurs are ancient ancestors to modern day birds, too bad you can't keep a Dino in alarge bird cage. Giganotosaurus Despite its name, the belief is that the Giganotosaurus was larger than the Tyrannosaurus yet smaller than the Spinosaurus, making it not the largest theropod in ancient times. The name Giganotosaurus means giant southern lizard and the Giganotosaurus was very large, reaching heights double or triple the size of a normal man. In popular culture, the Giganotosaurus is known for being capable of running large distances at high speeds despite its large size. Stegosaurus One of the most well known Dinosaurs, the Stegosaurus was unique with its large body, distinctive tail spikes and plates yet small head and brain. The spikes and plates on the Stegosaurus were most likely for protection and for defense, with the Stegosaurus often seen in popular culture swinging its heavy tail into predators to injure and frighten them away. Another unique fact is that some paleontolgists have noted that the Stegosaurus may have had a second brain in the tail which would have been responsible for controlling reflexes in the rear half of its body. Ankylosaurus This strangely shaped Dinosaur from the Cretaceous period is most well-known for its small, low-the-ground frame and its heavy, and deadly tail that was likely used as a bony club. Compared to many of the land Dinosaurs at the time, the Ankylosaurus was very large, with some saying it was 20 feet long, 5 feet wide and 5 feet tall at the hip. It is possible that it weighed over 13,000 pounds. Heavily armed and with its tail club, the Ankylosaurus was likely one of the top herbivorous predators for its time, with small, leaf-shaped teeth perfect for eating vegetation.About the Author:

Alan McGee is a freelance writer from MN

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