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subject: Applying For Financial Aid: Description Of All Kinds [print this page]

Are you going to get an admission to a college soon? Do not be in a hurry and think about the financial aspect first. Are you aware of the fact that many colleges and government organizations offer financial aids to their students? If you want to be among these students- read this article and find out about the ways you can get your financial aid.

1.Do you want to get a scholarship? Do the following:

?Choose several colleges you want to apply for

?Visit colleges or their web- sites to find out about programs they offer

?Ask college counselor about the particular scholarship and requirements to get it

?Find out about conditions and deadlines and set them for yourself. It is very important to meet these deadlines because getting a scholarship is a competition among many students

?Talk to students who have received their scholarships already and ask them for advice

2.Do you want to get a grant? Do the following:

?Surf the web to get the information about all kinds of grants than exist

?Check government organizations and various associations (they might also offer some money awards for students)

?Fill in all the necessary applications and do the required paperwork

?Meet deadlines! It is even better to do everything earlier than it is required

3.Do you want to get a loan? Do the following:

?Think of getting the loan only if you have failed getting two previous kinds of financial aids

?Think of how you are going to pay this money back. Remember about an interest rate.

?Gather all financial documents including your parents income information, documents from banks about your family accounts etc.

? Do the required paperwork and fill in all the necessary forms. You will need copies of all your documents such as passport, SSN, drivers license etc.

by: Jordon Casinger

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