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subject: Reduce Wrinkles With The Next Generation Of Treatments [print this page]

Wrinkles appear as one of the most obvious signs of aging and maturity skin. They appear in people over the age of 55, and often sooner. While old age and wrinkling are inevitable, there are many ways to reduce wrinkles, especially premature ones, and fight the visible signs of aging.

The most effective form of combating the signs of aging is prevention. Maintaining good skin habits, adopting a skin care regime with anti-aging products, especially Retin-A, meticulously using sunscreen, limiting sun exposure, avoiding smoking and limiting squinting are all important preventative measures that combat wrinkles from forming. Adopting positive habits can also help reduce wrinkles and prevent new ones from appearing. Eating well balanced, anti-oxidant rich foods, especially fruits and vegetables, taking supplements enriched with omega 3 acids and vitamin A, C and consuming phytoestrogens, like soy, and getting adequate sleep can all help combat the signs of aging.

If your concern is existing wrinkles, there are many effective esthetic treatments designed to dramatically improve the signs of aging and reduce wrinkles.


Commonly found in the form of lactic or glycolic acid, AHAS have been a common and effective anti-aging ingredient in peels and over the counter skincare products for many years. They have been reputed skin softeners and smoothers for centuries and Cleopatra was known to have bathed in sour milk to leave her skin youthful, supple, and line free. These legendary wrinkle reducers are extracted from sugars and milk and efficiently penetrate the deep dermis layers of the skin to stimulate elastin and collagen production. The result is a smoother appearance, with reduced fine lines and wrinkles.

Derma Fillers

Derma fillers containing containing collagen or hyaluronic acid, natural substances found in the body, are esthetic injections into the contours and creases of the skin. They are designed to fill out lines on facial skin, thus reducing their appearance. The effects can last anywhere between 12 to 24 months, meaning they must be topped up regularly. With no downtime required, derma fillers are particularly effective at treating laugh lines, crow's feet and other fine lines in the eye area.

Botox Injections

Often misunderstand as a filler, Botox works instead by relaxing tiny muscles in the face which are responsible for forming wrinkles. Facial muscle contractions are responsible for causing fine lines like laugh lines and crow's feet, especially prematurely. By relaxing the muscles responsible for causing wrinkles and stimulating collagen at the same time, Botox encourages smoother and tighter skin. As in the case of derma fillers, injections must be frequently topped up to maintain results.

Thermage Treatments

Dubbed the 'non-surgical' face lift, Thermage is an innovative new anti-aging treatment that involves non-invasive radio frequencies to smooth and tighten facial contours. The Thermage technique involves heating and cooling the skin to thicken the collagen fibrils underneath the dermis, which in turn gradually stimulate collagen production. The result is significant skin tightening and smoother wrinkles. Thermage is not merely limited to the face and Thermage is known as an effective anti-cellulite treatment for the body.

Laser Treatments

The newest lasers can now promote skin tightening and reduce wrinkles and other signs of aging, especially premature aging signs caused by excessive sun sun exposure. Laser skin tightening involves removing wrinkles by passing an infrared light over the skin in order to stimulate the collagen production in the deeper layers of the skin, causing the skin to contract and visibly firm. Photofacial rejuvenation also treat a whole host of skin imperfections. Photofacial rejuvenation restores skin youthfulness and causes the blood vessels to constrict below the skin, thus removing wrinkles. Photofacial rejuvenation is especially effective at treating signs of aging related to sun damage.

by: Ingrid Palmer.

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