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Basic Hair Tips For Children

There are quite a few children living in my neighborhood. I have come to know a few of them quite well. There are two in particular who have kind of adopted me as a surrogate mom. They come over several times a week to visit, which I enjoy. However, I cannot for the life of me figure out why they never comb their hair before coming to my house! These girls are ten years old. Isn't that the age when girls start caring about how they look? I have talked to them about combing their hair, I have given them combs, and I have even combed their hair for them. But nothing I have done works.

One of the girls had long hair and since she never combed it, it just kept getting more tangled and ratted up. Her father took her to a beauty salon and had it nicely cut. That was a year ago, and to this day she still doesn't comb her hair. I ask her why, and she says, "I just forget to, and besides my dad doesn't make me". So I talk to her about how she's old enough now to do it without her dad making her.

I can't make her comb her hair before coming over. But I am thinking I might just keep a comb near the front door and have her comb it each time she comes over with it uncombed. Maybe then she will develop the habit of combing her hair.

I realize it isn't all her fault for her appearance. Her parents need to teach her better grooming habits. I try not to be a meddling neighbor, but someone needs to teach these girls how to take care of their hair. I know both kids and parents can be forgetful or somewhat lazy when it comes to daily routines. And since the one girl lives with her father, he doesn't always think to make her brush or comb her hair. If the parent or parents let it slide then the kids won't care.
Basic Hair Tips For Children

The best time to teach your child basic hair care is when they are little. Children are imitators and if they see you combing your hair they will want to comb their hair. I think good grooming starts from the beginning. Having a daily routine helps children remember what they need to do. Upon waking up children should be taught the basics of brushing their teeth and hair before leaving the bathroom. If they haven't, send them back in. Once they know your expectations they will begin to get the idea. The same thing should be repeated at night.

If kids show up for a meal without having their hair combed and hands and faces clean send them away from the table to clean up. Parents need to be diligent in making sure their kid's hair and personal grooming is kept up. It should become a habit, and that can only happen by being consistent.

Children should learn that grooming is a requirement and it is not optional. Because it is a requirement, parents should not reward their children with treats or new toys for doing something that is essential. Offering praise and encouragement is recommended.

Childrens Hair Care Tips:

Wash hair with a mild shampoo. As soon as they are old enough teach them how to shampoo and rinse their hair.

Detangle hair before washing. With a wide tooth comb start at the bottom of the hair and work your way up. If there are problem tangles and rats, spray with a good detangler.

Encourage your child to comb or brush their own hair. If hair is wet use a comb to minimize hair breakage.

Routine is imperative. By instilling proper hair grooming at a young age a parent is creating life long habits for their child. Habits that will help them become more confident.

Perhaps it's because my dad was a barber and my mom a beautician that I grew up knowing it was a requirement to comb my hair. And that I had to come to the table with my hair combed, with hands and face cleaned. These are just basic grooming tips that can have lifelong effects.

by: Donna Randol

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