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3 Simple Ways To Generate Free Mlm Leads Online

A lot of Internet Network Marketers are looking to leverage something they have a lot of (time) for something they have nothing of (prospects). This is where they trade their time to create highly qualified home based business traffic.

First and foremost, before diving into these lead creating tactics, it is important to start with the basics. You will need a "Lead Capture Page" or a "Squeeze Page" to capture your prospects. Once this is created, you're ready to move into the marketing magic and pumping traffic to your page.

1. Forum Marketing

There are a ton of Work From Home and Entrepreneurial forums out there that you can plug in and participate on that will start generating you leads. Every forum you have a login/profile which allows you to put your Lead Capture Page's URL and even a small space of an advertisement in the signature.

They key to Forum Marketing is to actually be an active member of the community. Contribute on the all the posts and topics. That way, every time you post, your signature ad will be displayed and the more likely people will click on your profile/link.

Browse search engines to find Forums that interest you, like Richdad, BetterNetworker, WAHM, ConquerYourNiche, and Warrior Forum. All the rock stars hang out here, and you will learn a TON from these places.

2. Article Marketing

Writing articles just like this one is a fantastic way to create traffic. The key here is finding relevant topics and utilizing popular key words and key phrases. Article directories actually get shared and plastered all over the internet. At the bottom of this email, you'll see an "author box" that will show readers your link and drive traffic back to your site.

Again, this is targeted free traffic. So do not expect a lot of conversion if you are writing about gardening, but your website is for Home Based Business Opportunity information.

3. Video Marketing

As we speak, Youtube is the world's third most visited website on a daily basis. Utilizing the power of video to capture a prospects attention, maximize the amount of people you can network with, and create an amazing connection that cannot be beat - THAT is why I recommend video.

Granted, you do need a camera to start, but most digital cameras nowadays have built in Camcorder options, so look at your manual if you are unsure. Create interesting, relevant topics and refer back to your link in the "description" box.

These three extremely effective methods are what the top Internet Network Marketers are using to create tons of free leads and traffic to their pages. And that's just getting started, you'll see discover a lot more strategies to build your Network Marketing business as well!

by: Rachel Jackson

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