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subject: Climate Change ... Use Wood! [print this page]

 Climate Change ... Use Wood!

One of the areas most affected by this situation is certainly the construction sector which is faced with two types of problems: firstly, the decline in revenues due to the crisis and secondly the development of increasingly advanced technologies that challenge level costs of construction and sustainability of energy. Even in the meetings industry's response to these needs in recent years is the same: to return the use of wood in homes and public buildings. The wood in fact, used since the dawn of time to build not only homes but also other forms of building structure as storage tools for agriculture, garages, and similar finds its era of glory in recent years.

Unlike a few decades ago', the use of wood and especially his cut is now very regulated and the forests from which we get the wood are constantly monitored to avoid deforestation and countless campaigns plan to plant a new tree for every tree cut. But there are also highly innovative technologies applied to wood as a building material and furniture. The resin coatings, insulators and artistic works that make strong and durable material to ensure its preservation for decades. If built with many parts of wood also home, as well as being visibly more comfortable and cozy to the inherent characteristics of the material also becomes a house cheap and well insulated that those who can save lives and save our environment.

There are many examples of buildings "zero impact" that are made entirely of laminated wood, especially in earthquake zones, and this is no coincidence: the wood is much more elastic cement and thus more resistant to shock the earth's crust and then a naturally occurring materials more durable and safe. This is not the only value of the wood that it is much lighter than concrete, steel and most of the materials used in recent years. Furthermore, although the wood is known for its easy combustion, its flexibility allows it to withstand fire without collapsing under its own weight but keeping the structure standing. Wood is definitely one of the materials of the future not only for these properties but because it is a natural material and therefore no pollution to be produced is recyclable and can be reused in different clothes during his life. There are many jobs in recent years those have been attributed to several treatments with insulation, waterproofing and plywood boards that give it strength. For now, this matter can be used not only for internal beams, wooden balconies and staircases for interiors but properly treated can be used for kitchen counters, shelves and working, all uses that have so far employed heavy materials and products. A second life of this material will undoubtedly help us to preserve our earth!
 Climate Change ... Use Wood!

by: AndreaPP

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