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A Collection Of Children's Bedtime Stories


Who else wants to discover moral-boosting, confidence-building children's stories that nourish the soul and motivate

"At Last! A Collection Of Children's Bedtime Stories That Nurture, Inspire And Educate Our Young."Forget about the TV and throw out those so-called educational stories' with their hidden agendas.Introducing "Inspirational Kids' Stories" A GIANT collection of wholesome Children's Stories that warm your heart!Dear Parent,

If you're shocked at what passes for children's entertainment these days, concerned about the ever increasing amounts of violence on TV,and you want to play an active role in educating and nurturing your child, then this may be the most important letter you've read all year.

Here's why

I've just released a new e-book called "Inspirational Kids' Stories" and it's chock-full of inspiring, wholesome stories that will delight your children.Brimming with 32 individual stories , "Inspirational Kids' Stories" gives you a whole smorgasbord of uplifting tales to choose from.And what's even better, these stories teach your children the values and respect we ourselves learned as children values that seem to be lost in this new millennium.And what's more, these stories don't "preach" to your kids.


They enlighten your child through an entertaining story so that children "get" the message they get to discover the meaning and wisdom behind the story all by themselves!Once your children get to hear these stories they'll be begging for more!But I'm getting ahead here. Maybe I should first introduce myself, and let you in on how this new book came aboutMy name is Dr Daryl Grant and I'm a parent just like you. And like you, I'm very concerned about what my children are exposed to on TVand in the books they read. But until I became a parent, I didn't realise just how much rubbish was out there.Rubbish that was labelled as children's entertainment. (I don't know about you, but I don't consider teaching your child bad manners as quality entertainment.)Rubbish that could easily corrupt my children's values.Rubbish that has seeped into every facet of modern day life.And it's everywhere. In the books they read at school, on TV, in the playground, and when they get older it's all over the Internet.And to tell you the truth, I was shocked and amazed at how far things had slipped since I was a child.Gee when I was a child we were easy-going carefree, but respectful. The world was a simpler place.We had values, morals, honesty and above all, respect for our parents.Oh my, how things have changed.So I realised early on that I had to take a stand and make sure my children were exposed to uplifting, encouraging information.I vowed to my husband that our kids were going to grow up with values, manners, and a deep understanding of how to treat others.So my search began.


I thank you for taking the time to read this short reportJohnfox 2003-2010 World Marketing Media, Inc.

A Collection Of Children's Bedtime Stories

By: Janusz

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