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Proneness Of Teens To Drunk Driving

In 2005, there is a law which dictates the legal drinking age should be 21 and, according to statistics, around 1,000 people are saved from drunk-driving because of this law. However, this doesnt stop teens from drinking and driving.

Underage Drunk Driving is becoming a trend which causes a lot of fatal accidents nationwide.

Teen drivers feel invincible when they are driving regardless of their blood alcohol level. Statistics show that younger drivers (aged 16-24) are the most vulnerable victims of alcohol-related accidents nationwide. Because of this, they must be made well aware of the reality that alcohol will affect ones judgment calls and alertness on the road regardless of their age and driving skills.

Teen drivers must understand that they are less fit to handle drinking and driving compared to adults because of their smaller body structure and their inexperience in both drinking and driving.

Negative Effects of Alcohol

A study shows that alcohol kills more teens than prohibited drugs and it appears to be the leading problem among the youth.

Aside from being prone to accidents, alcohol abuse also affects a young persons brain development as a study shows that a persons brain will not stop developing until he reaches his mid-20s.

It will affect his eye-hand movement, memory and communication skills, coordination and thinking, and decision making skills.

This only confirms that alcohol will not only put your life in danger but it can also have permanent effects to parts of your brain.

Causes of Accidents

According to a study, people who start drinking at the age of 15 are seven times more likely to be involved in a vehicular accident when they are drunk.

Alcohol will affect ones driving especially young drivers who have little experience in maneuvering their vehicle. Below are the things that are likely to be experienced by a drunk driver:

Blurry vision


Inability to concentrate

Vehicular accidents can potentially cause permanent injuries that will affect ones means of earning income. It will taint the young lives of victims in these tragedies and so drinking and driving should never be an option.


A person under the age of 21 who is guilty of drunk driving will have his drivers license suspended for at least a year. But, this should be the least of their problems if ever they are involved in a car accident.

The liable party will have to pay compensatory damages to his victim.

Compensatory damages will cover all medications, treatments, and all the hospital bills related to the accident. He will also have to cover the lost income caused by the victims inability to work. Other expenses such as pain and suffering, property damages, and legal expenses will also be shouldered by the drunk driver once proven guilty of his negligence.

In case the victim dies, he will have to compensate for the loss of enjoyment of life and the economic value of the deceased on the time of his death.

by: Ivonne Jade Agustin

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