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Dreams Of Children

The following article is about children from infants to twelve years of age, what they represent in dreams, and how the dreams can apply to the mother, father, and other members of the family. For an in-depth study and meanings of dreams of children of all ages see:

(1) Daughter Or Son As A Baby In A Dream: Depending on the age of the son or daughter determines what the child represents in the dream. To see your daughter or son as a baby in a dream represents change, the likelihood that of a planned change or the expansion of the family. Your baby son or daughter also symbolizes good news, answer to a prayer, a new job, new beginning, a move, a new career or the beginning of a career. This is particularly timely and accurate when you see in a dream your little son or daughter at their actual ages at the time of the dream.

(2) To dream of a child ages 3 through 12 also represents periods of time: transition, growth, insight, knowledge and expansion or promotion in your job or career. A child 3-12 years old also represents growing spiritually, emotionally and financially.

(3) To see your daughter or son as a young teen in a dream represents spiritual growth, a possible move in your job. It can also symbolize a job or promotion, knowledge, wisdom and insight into the solution to a problem you are experiencing.
Dreams Of Children

(4) To Take An Object Or A Toy Away From A Child Without Cause in a dream represents selfishness, greed, self indulgence, self centered with a lack of compassion for others in natural. These are traits you may or may not be aware of in your awakened state but now are surfacing in your dreams. The message of the dream represents insights into your personality make up surfacing in your dreams, and a time to do something to modify and redefine yourself.

How Your Dream Applies To Your Life:

(a) Growth: If you're working towards advancement in your career, to see a child 3 through 12 in a dream represents periods of time: growth, insight, knowledge, transition and expansion or promotion in your job or career. A child 3-12 years of age in a dream also represents a period of time in which you are growing spiritually, emotionally and financially.

To the Christian: If you're entering ministry, to see a child 3-12 in a dream represents a young ministry with new changes and strong spiritual instructions that will be given to you allowing more expansiveness of freedoms to grow spiritually, develop and be blessed.

(b) Innovation: If you've been searching for deeper insights about spirituality and faith, new attitudes, new ideas and knowledge for your career and family, to see your little daughter or son as a young teen in a dream represents spiritual growth, a move, a new job or promotion, knowledge, wisdom and insight into the solution to a problem.

To Give A Child An Object

(1) To Give A Child a toy or an object in a dream because you want the child to do something for you represents your ability in the real world to use methods to manipulate, persuade and control people.

(2) To Scold Or Talk Harshly To A Child in a dream represents discord, tension, helplessness, depression and discontent you are suffering in the natural which you have taken out on a defenseless child in your dream. The dream represents your own life when you oftentimes feel as though you're almost powerless to speak up for yourself or defend yourself in certain situations you deem are out of your control. This applies to marriage, relationships, job or career and friendships.

How Your Dream Applies To Your Life:

(a) Issues: If you're a person who offers something to another with the intention of receiving something in exchange for a gift, to give a child an object or toy to get the child to do as you ask represents a way you have of doing or giving something to someone for the purpose of persuasion or control.

To better understand dreams of children involving emotions: feeling dissatisfied, tension, helplessness, depression, discontentment, disharmony, marriage, relationships and many more subjects in which dreams of children can affect your life click on: View this article and many other interesting and informative articles at: Dream Messenger Articles

by: Kiku T. Yamada.

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