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subject: Anxiety Attack Remedy - 5 Tips On Helping Your Child Handle An Anxiety Disorder [print this page]

Anxiety Attack Remedy - 5 Tips On Helping Your Child Handle An Anxiety Disorder

According to the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, anxiety disorders affect one in eight children. The symptoms of anxiety attacks in children can affect many areas of his/her life. In trying to find an anxiety attack remedy, it can be helpful to have several ideas at hand to help manage your childs' anxiety disorder as effectively as possible.

Anxiety attacks in children frequently go unnoticed or undiagnosed, only to result in an intensifying of symptoms that can reappear later in the childs' life. Some of the effects and symptoms include the following:


poor school performance

trouble keeping friendships

delays in development

low self esteem

predisposed to drug use or alcohol


a consuming fear

nervousness or shyness

avoids places and activites

a sense of unreality

fear of dying or losing control

pounding heartbeat

shortness of breath



Five Tips on Helping Your Child Handle an Anxiety Disorder:

1) listen to your childs' feelings

2) try to keep your normal routine and be flexible when needed

3) show appreciation and approval for small achievements

4) remain composed and calm when your child shows anxiety about a situation

5) do not discipline or punish your child for mistakes or lack of improvement

In searching for an anxiety attack remedy, it is important to look at all options and techniques to find the best treatment for your child. By putting into place a few of the above tips, you will be a step ahead in helping your child better manage his/her symptoms.

by: Deborah R.

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