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subject: 3 Free Ways To Market Legitimate Online Businesses [print this page]

Do you have legitimate online businesses but very little capital available and you would like to market them to get the best results for the least amount of outlay? If this is the case then Pay Per Click advertising is definitely not the way to go.

So to help you get started here are 3 of my favorite free internet marketing tips for you to begin building successful legitimate online businesses.

1. Article Marketing:

This is by far one of the best methods of getting your websites seen. When you publish articles in article directories you are allowed to include a resource box at the foot of the article and in this box you can leave not only your name but also a link back to your website.

If your articles are well written and on topic then anyone who is interested or would like to learn more about you and what you do can click on the link and visit your website. These articles need not be long but they should be interesting enough to make the reader want to learn more. This is a great way to not only get backlinks for your website but you are also generating targeted traffic.

Your articles do not need to be very long, some article directories even accept articles of 250 words and most of them will accept articles of 400-600 words. If you find it difficult to write then just know that the more you do it the easier it becomes, so start off with shorter articles and you will find in time that they will naturally become longer and longer.

2. Another essential step and one that you can do yourself for no cost at all is Search Engine Optimization or SEO. You can learn a lot about how to do this by doing some research on Google. Study how others have done this and optimize your website for the keywords that you have chosen. Make sure to choose long tail keywords so that your website will be indexed quickly by the various search engines.

Getting your website indexed is one way to generate traffic as people go to search engines when looking for any kind of information. Make sure that when you write your articles you use your keywords in there as well, but remember that these articles are being read by real people so use the keywords in a way that they appear totally natural.

3. Posting Blog Comments:

By visiting other peoples' blogs and leaving comments on their posts with a link back to your website will help you to not only get more backlinks but it will also increase the amount of traffic that your website receives and the more traffic that your website receives the more chance you have of people seeing your online income opportunities and the better your sales will be.

Just two points to keep in mind when leaving comments on other peoples' blogs and they are extremely important. The first one is to make sure that the blog owner does not have a "no follow" policy because if they do you will not be able to get links back to your site and the second point is to make intelligent comments that apply to the article you are commenting on. Whatever you do never spam as this will not only annoy people but you will get your reputation tarnished and that is very difficult to ever get right again.

These are just three methods that you can use to start building your legitimate online businesses and they will not cost you any money. There are many more that you can use for little to no cost but they will take time and dedication if you wish to be a success.

by: Michelle Jayes

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