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subject: Important Information Regarding Auto Insurance Online In California [print this page]

Important Information Regarding Auto Insurance Online In California

Purchasing insurance in the state of California is slightly different when it comes to insurance rates. In 2005, legislature passes specific laws requiring that companies providing auto policies to consumers must have either toll free numbers or internet web sites in order to be contacted. This made it much easier for consumers to compare pricing on insurance. The following will provide important information regarding auto insurance online in California.

Assembly Bill (AB) 2677 was passed in 2005, and its main advantage was that it required insurance companies to provide consumers with the lowest possible auto insurance quotes available to them. This bill further states that in order for companies to comply they must maintain either a toll free number or internet web site for consumers to be able to obtain this information. Not only do they have to provide the numbers or websites, but because of this bill, they must also provide this information to the California Department of Insurance (Department).

Online the Department has a website of their own available. The commissioner keeps a continued posting of all toll free numbers and web addresses for available insurance carriers. In this way, the consumer need only look to their own local government to find insurance companies in the area who will provide coverage meeting the correct standards.

From this site all of the insurance companies can be accessed online without having to look any further. It makes things very simple for the consumer, and they feel that the company is meeting the requirements of AB 2677 by being listed. If the consumer prefers to call, the numbers are there as well.

In 2006, it became a requirement in the state for insurance companies to electronically report insurance information to the Department of Motor Vehicles for privately owned vehicles. They do not however have to report insurance information for business or commercial policy holders. License suspension may be done based on these electronic filings.

You must carry evidence of insurance coverage at all times and be ready to present it when asked by law enforcement, or whenever a vehicle is to be renewed for registration. The minimum liability insurance requirements must be met in order to comply with the law. Requirements are actually considerably low in this state compared to some others. The mandatory liability limits for bodily injury are fifteen thousand dollars for injury or death to one person per accident or thirty thousand dollars for more than one person per accident. Property damage liability is five thousand dollars per accident.

by: Lance Thorington

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