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subject: Unsecured Loans : Eliminate Collateral To Finance Varied Purposes [print this page]

Even if you do not own a valued property in your name, you can take out loans for personal purposes. In such a circumstance, you have the option of unsecured loans. These loans are also available to the people who own a property but do not wish to risk it for a loan.

An advantage of these types of loans is that the borrowed amount comes in your hands in a risk-free manner. This is because you do not have to pledge any property or papers for collateral. This is especially advantageous for tenants or non-homeowners as they usually do not own a property. The homeowners also are qualified for the loan without collateral.

Unsecured loans are short-term personal loans. You can borrow finance ranging from 1000 to 25000. The loan amount can be put to any use like paying off old bills and debts, purchasing a car, wedding, holiday tour and many other personal purposes.

You can borrow the loan for a short-term of one year to 15 years, depending on the loan amount and your credit history. Due to absence of collateral, you are required to borrow the loan at higher interest rates. But you can choose from fixed or flexible rates to suit your repayment capability.

Unsecured loans can be searched also for competitive interest rates of the online lenders. You should first scan as many websites of the lenders as you possibly can to compare the terms-conditions as well as the additional costs.

Settle for the loan that matches with your present repayment ability in terms of interest charges and other payments. Make sure that you repay each installment of the loan on the due date so that you can escape from the penalties and enhanced rates. Timely repayment will also help you in keeping a healthy credit history.

by: Tom Dikkin

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