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Using Online Postage To Save Money And Time

If you are like me you have had occasions when you have run out of stamps and you had to wait in line after drive to the post office. That is a hassle and pain the neck that I don't need to deal with anymore. I now use online postage instead of buying stamps at the post office.

It is much more convenient and less time consuming. I was also actually able to save quite a bit of money by taking advantage of special offers when I signed up to be able to print postage with the online postage site.

There are basically two ways to use postage online. You can use software that is provided by the postage provider and actually print stamps or you can order stamps online and have then mailed to you. Whether you choose to print postage or get real postage stamps online it is much easier than the old fashioned way.

If you order physical stamps, for a small additional fee you can create your own custom stamps by uploading a photo or graphic. This will be real postage stamps with your chosen picture. You can get stamps featuring your baby, your pets, your significant other, your house, or anything you want. The only requirements are that you own rights to the picture and that it be tasteful. You can't get away with risque pictures of your girlfriend or boyfriend, or using photos that belong to others. is running a great offer where you get eighty dollars in free perks. You get twenty dollars worth of postage coupons, five dollars in free postage, a digital USB postal scale, and five dollars worth of free postal supplies. All you need to do to get these offers is sign up for a four week free trial of postage on line. also gives you free postage software that allows you to print postage right from the applications you use like Microsoft Word. If you have a big mailing to do you use mail merge features to make the job much easier and much quicker.

You can do everything at your office or at home that you used to do at the Post Office. Since you have your own scale you don't need to wait in line to get your packages weighed. You can print your own shipping labels.

You will be able to retrieve order data from online sources or your business applications. You can import data from eBay, Yahoo, Google, Amazon, and more. That in itself will save you time since you don't need to re-enter data. It will also be much easier to keep your records straight.

You also do not need to buy or lease a postage meter. You save money there too. You can use your online postage for all postal classes. You can also schedule USPS pick-ups. You can even do Certified Mail and get free delivery confirmations.

As you can see the ability to print online postage opens up a lot of possibilities and can make your business more profitable and less time consuming. Online postage for business is an amazing tool that well worth your time to investigate.

I have been using online postage for several years and it has become a big part of my business. I do a lot of mailing and I sure don't miss the hassle of using the old fashioned ways of getting my mailing done. I have saved money in the postage itself and in reducing labor costs. I said goodbye to those late nights trying to get everything ready for a morning trip to the post office by buying postage online.

by: Joel Hambit

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