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subject: Protect Your Bright Ideas With An Ip Lawyer [print this page]

To make sure that the fundamental ideas that your business has been created upon are protected, you should seek the services of an intellectual property ('IP') lawyer. UK IP law differs from other countries, so this article is only relevant to the current situation in the UK.

In today's competitive commercial environment more businesses need new fresh ideas to develop. The UK has steadily moved from its product based markets to service based markets, thus meaning that intangible ideas and processes are what excels one company from another.

It is not always as obvious as patenting a new product (such a the man who patented his better bedspring invention) some IP is more discreet, for example software developments and graphic designs. Protecting your intellectual property is fast becoming one of the most important steps to take for businesses to be a success.

This problem is a crucial one, specifically for the owners of small businesses. Many set up their business or go self-employed in order to further develop ideas of their own, in a particular sector where they have specialist experience or expertise. Few set out with an endgame in mind; unless the new ideas are protected there will be little capital raised from selling the business when it comes to a retirement age. Getting expert advice about your IP is a way that you can ensure that your business has a long term value as well as the owner.

The most pro active way of finding out which unique features of your business need protection is to speak to a legal expert. An intellectual property solicitor will help you define what makes your business unique, and establish the extent to which it can be patented, copyrighted or otherwise protected from those who may wish to help themselves to your competitive advantage by copying your achievement, or otherwise trying to benefit from the hard work of development that you have invested in.

A specialist UK intellectual property solicitor will examine your business and the processes that you use, from this information they will help you find the best way to protect them; working out what can be argued as unique, special or different in order to establish a value from the detail of what you do. Protecting your intellectual property can be extremely valuable, as having done this, you are in a much stronger position to defend your business against those who might seek to copy or undermine it in the future. The process will also protect you against the risk of former staff or employees deciding to set up a rival business to copy what you have spent many hours of sweat and toil working to achieve.

by: Tim Bishop

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