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subject: How Is Vitamin D Important In Our Body? [print this page]

Vitamin d has been the fat soluble vitamin which encourages the absorption of calcium in order to keep the bones strong. It also helps in promoting the metabolism of phosphorus. The people who get exposed to sunlight frequently will not require taking the supplements of vitamin d because the sunlight provides good amount of it.

It has been found that there are 5 forms of vitamin d out of which two are the major forms. They are collectively known as calciferol. As mentioned above that vitamin d is very useful for the metabolism and absorption of calcium and phosphorus, these two forms are very important in maintaining good condition of bones.

Apart from the above functions, vitamin d is also very important in regulating the immune system of the body. This vitamin is used to prevent against common cold. It decreases the risk of multiple sclerosis. There can be prevention of rheumatoid arthritis in women with the help if this vitamin. With sufficient amount of vitamin d, a healthy body weight can be maintained along with healthy physical well being. It can also prevent the development of various types of cancer.

If you have a deficiency of vitamin d, then you can develop many illnesses relating this deficiency. One of the conditions can be osteomalacia which is caused due to lack of vitamin d. In this condition, there is softening of the bones caused due to loss of minerals. This can lead to extreme musculoskeletal pain which is usually found in adults.

by: Chuck Palahniuk

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