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subject: New Report Global Yeast Industry: Industrial Applications and Market Forecast (2010-2015) Published By MarketsandMarkets [print this page]

Yeasts are used in the baking industry, for antibiotic production in the pharmaceutical industry and for ethanol production. The global yeast industry is expected to grow at a rate of nearly 10% and is expected to reach $5 billion mark in the next five years due to increasing global demand for Bakes yeast and autolysates especially in the bioethanol industry. The demand is increasing as yeast and yeast products are being increasingly used to extract biofuels from sugarcane and cereals primarily in countries like the US and Brazil. In pharmaceutical industry increased demand for probiotic supplements is also expected to boost the demand for yeast products. In this research report the global market for yeast is categorized on the basis of products, applications, and geographies. Global revenues and trends are forecasted for individual macro and micro markets.

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Yeast Industry Market, Research, Market Research Reports, Market Research, Industry Analysis, Market Share, Market Size

MarketsandMarkets, comprising of an online library of 10,000 reports, in-depth market research studies of over 5000 micro markets, and 25 industry specific websites. ReportsandReports announce to have Research Report on Global Yeast Industry: Industrial Applications and Market Forecast (2010-2015) Market Research Report in its store. Browse all our Market Research Reports details at

New Report Global Yeast Industry: Industrial Applications and Market Forecast (2010-2015) Published By MarketsandMarkets

By: Ms. Sunita

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