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subject: New Report Food Additives: Global Forecast (2010-2015) and Winning Imperative Analysis Published By MarketsandMarkets [print this page]

Food additives are the substances mainly used to retain and enhance flavor of the packaged food. With the presence of more than 3000 food additives globally, the market is expected to cross $30 billion mark by 2015. This is mainly due to the rising demand for the convenience and ready-to-eat food along with increasing health concerns. The market is currently dominated by flavors and flavor enhancers but the alternative sweetener is expected to be one of the fastest growing segments amongst food additives product categories. The report estimates the current and future market for food additives, analyzes industry trends along with winning imperative analysis and also profiles major players.

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Food Additives Market, Food Additives , Research, Market Research Reports, Market Research, Industry Analysis, Market Share, Market Size

With the presence of more than 3000 food additives globally, the market is expected to cross $30 billion mark by 2015.

With the presence of more than 3000 food additives globally, the market is expected to cross $30 billion mark by 2015.

New Report Food Additives: Global Forecast (2010-2015) and Winning Imperative Analysis Published By MarketsandMarkets

By: Ms. Sunita

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