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subject: The Steps In Surgical Healing Following Breast Augmentation [print this page]

There are a number of suggestions that you should heed after you have had surgical breast augmentation in order for you to get better in a short time. Reportedly, these ops have been frequently completed without any snags, still, that is never a guarantee of a perfect result. It is imperative that one should follow a good plan for recuperation as this is one of the important requirements of a faultless outcome. If you take the time to rest and properly recuperate, you will likely lessen the chance of complications following surgery.

Awakening from sleep is the initial phase following the surgical breast augmentation procedure. As the anesthesia begins to wear off and the nurse clears the patient to be released, a feeling of soreness and confusion is to be expected.

Depending on the individual it typically takes between one and three hours to become fully conscious after surgery. Patients who wake up in pain can be given pain relievers and typically the patient may feel cold and can ask for a blanket.

Ice should be compressed on the breasts for a given time, most likely a couple of days, or as ordered by the doctors once the patient has been released from the clinic or hospital. Normally your doctor will have put drains in place beneath the incision to siphon away fluids. These thick plastic tubes can be left in the incision area for up to one week.

The next thing your doctor will ask is that you pay attention to your body temperature. Now, if you observe that your body temperature is slightly above normal, then you possibly may have an infection. Antibiotics are usually prescribed by the doctor after breast augmentation surgery.

Taking a shower is not recommended until the incisions under the breasts are completely closed and the drains have been removed. Sleeping on their backs and raising their heads a bit above the body is recommended to patients fresh out of breast augmentation surgery. If you are disciplined enough to follow these simple suggestions, your road to recovery will be smoother.

by: William Patel.

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